Climate Club: Is Ammonia the Future of Energy?

Small pronunciation mistake! Nitrous oxides are produced when fertilisers such as ammonia urea is oxidised. N20 (nitrous oxide) is a potent GHG and has worse effects on the ozone layer than nitrogen oxides (nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide) which aren’t exactly GHG but cause other issues such as air pollution. In the video I said nitrous oxides but meant nitric oxide. Can ammonia be the energy source of the future? At the moment, the replacement of fossil fuels is mainly being done through electrification and the development of renewable energies that produce electrical energy. Renewable sources of energy face significant issues such as solving the problem of storage due to intermittency, long-distance transmission and being used in certain industries such as jet-liners or large ships, which cannot be easily electrified. One of the promising solutions seems to be hydrogen as a fuel. However hydrogen also faces issues when it comes to storage and transportation. Therefore, many businesses and researchers agree that ammonia could be a great way to solve this issue. Ammonia has some major issues though such as toxicity which need to be overcome. But it clearly has potential.
