Hamburger Firma stellt “Biokohle” aus Kakaoschalen her

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HAMBURG, DEUTSCHLAND 10. MAI 2023 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. Nah quality and product safety manager at ‘Circular Carbon’ handles the finished product, the biochar, in her hands 2. Nah ‘Circular Carbon’ logo on a silo containing cocoa shells 3. Nah systems engineer Renata Kunstetter at ‘Circular Carbon’ handling cocoa shells in her hands 4. Schwenk von links nach rechts machine through which cocoa shells circulate 5. Nah machine through which cocoa shells circulate 6. Schwenk von links nach rechts combustion chamber in which the pyrolysis process takes place 7. Halbnahe employee controls the quality of the biochar 8. Verfolgungsfahrt employee carries a bag filled with biochar into a storage shed GRASBERG, DEUTSCHLAND 3. APRIL 2023 QUELLE: BRÜNING GROUP 9. Luftaufnahme farmer near Bremen, to the west of Hamburg, spreads biochar on his potato field 10. Verfolgungsfahrt farmer near Bremen, to the west of Hamburg, spreads biochar on his potato field GRASBERG, DEUTSCHLAND 30. MAI 2023 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. O-TON 1 – Silvio Schmidt, farmer in Lower Saxony using biochar for the first time (Mann, 45 Jahre alt, German, 27 Sek.): “On the one hand, it is for testing, because we have very sandy soils here, which, as you can see, where there is a lot of wind, where the soil is quickly eroded, and we actually hope with the activated carbon that we can build up humus in the soil, that it can store more water, make more nutrients available to the plants. And that is actually also the purpose of the biochar.” “Zum einen ist es zum Ausprobieren, weil wir haben hier sehr sandige Böden, die auch wie man sehen kann, wo es viel Wind gibt, wo der Boden schnell abgetragen wird und wir hoffen uns eigentlich durch die Aktivkohle, dass wir den Humus im Boden aufbauen können, dass wir mehr Wasser speichern können, mehr Nährstoffe oben, den Pflanzen zur Verfügung stellen können. Und das ist ja eigentlich auch der Sinn der Aktivkohle.” 12. Zwischenschnitt: Nah Silvio Schmidt, a farmer living close to Bremen, i ploughing his potato field, a patch of which has been sprayed with biochar 13. Zwischenschnitt: Nah Silvio Schmidt’s potato field, showing the plot sprayed with biochar, which is darker, and the other without biochar GRASBERG, DEUTSCHLAND 3. APRIL 2023 QUELLE: BRÜNING GROUP 14. Luftaufnahme farmer near Bremen, to the west of Hamburg, spreads biochar on his potato field GRASBERG, DEUTSCHLAND 30. MAI 2023 QUELLE: AFPTV 15. Schärfeziehen German farmer Silvio Schmidt ploughs his field with his tractor once every five to ten days to pluck out the weeds – no longer using chemicals increases the manual workload 16. Aufwärts-Einstellung German farmer Silvio Schmidt removes weeds by hand from his potato field sprayed with biochar 17. Nah German farmer Silvio Schmidt shows tiny pieces of biochar on his field HAMBURG, DEUTSCHLAND 10. MAI 2023 QUELLE: AFPTV 18. Schwenk von oben nach unten quality and product safety manager at ‘Circular Carbon’ handles the finished product, the biochar, in her hans 19. Schwenk von links nach rechts bridge links a cocoa butter production plant directly to the Circular Carbon biochar manufacturing plant, so cocoa shells arrive directly at the recovery plant 20. Schwenk von links nach rechts bridge links a cocoa butter production plant directly to the Circular Carbon biochar manufacturing plant, so cocoa shells arrive directly at the recovery plant 21. Totale two employees retrieve some biochar to analyse it
