Effect of the Interaction between Wood Vinegar and Biochar Feedstock on Tomato Plants

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This study investigated the effect of the interaction between wood vinegar and biochar feedstock on total biomass, fruit weight (yield), and sugar content of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.). An experiment was conducted in two locations with six different biochar types produced from either plant or animal feedstock. Each biochar was incorporated into soil (1:2500 g/g) along with chemical fertilizer. Wood vinegar was diluted with water (1:200 mL) and applied once weekly for the vinegar treatment. Biochar application resulted in a higher yield and biomass of the chicken manure biochar owing to its high ammonium-nitrogen content. Vinegar application increased the yields of the plant feedstock, which was particularly evident for most of the yield parameters with the bamboo biochar. Regardless of treatment, yield and biomass were not significantly different between the animal and plant feedstock. The sugar content was higher for the chicken manure and animal litter biochar, which was attributed to better pH conditions. The combination of plant feedstock biochar and vinegar application for improving the yield of tomatoes is promising. In contrast, vinegar application could potentially limit the yield and fruit sugar content of tomato plants treated with animal feedstock biochar.