World Energy GH2 advances its large-scale green hydrogen project

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Newfoundland and Labrador-based renewable energy company World Energy GH2 Inc. has submitted an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for its large-scale green hydrogen project .

Illustration only; Archive. Courtesy of Port of Stephenville
According to the company, the submission marks the first comprehensive environmental study in North America for a commercial-scale green hydrogen project.

Project Nujio’qonik is Canada’s first commercial green hydrogen/ammonia producer created from 3+ GW of renewable electricity through wind projects on the west coast of the island portion of Newfoundland and Labrador. A 3+ GW wind farm is scheduled to deliver approximately 250,000 tons/year of hydrogen using 1.5 GW electrolysers starting in 2025, according to the company.

The Environmental Assessment process for the project, which was registered with the province in June 2022, includes 27 studies and plans as required by the Department of Environment and Climate Change. The company has been carying out the studies required since early summer of 2022.

Sean Leet, Managing Director and CEO of World Energy GH2, said this EIS is a key milestone for Project Nujio’qonik.

Earlier this year, the company acquired the Port of Stephenville, which is seen as a key asset for the production and shipping of green hydrogen and green ammonia.

Moreover, World Energy GH2 closed a $50 million investment with its newest partner, SK ecoplant, marking the first overseas investment in a Canadian green hydrogen project

The company also completed the first phase of the province’s Crown lands bidding process and made progress in completing its initial phase of front-end engineering and design (Pre-FEED)

“We look forward to the province announcing its decision regarding the final phase of the Crown lands bidding process at the end of this month, and to the province’s response to our EIS submission later this fall“, Leet said.

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