Northern Ireland agency lifts ammonia planning block for farmers

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The Northern Ireland Environment Agency has lifted its temporary pause in ammonia planning advice, to the relief of farmers who are waiting for applications to be approved.
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Since May this year, the regulator “temporarily paused” some planning applications on farms, saying it was “considering legal advice on the ongoing application of our Ammonia Planning Standing Advice”.

This came as the Department of Agriculture, Environment, and Rural Affairs in NI is currently under investigation by the post-Brexit green watchdog Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) over planning decisions that had a risk of ammonia pollution.

However, according to the Ulster Farmers Union (UFU), which has been lobbying for planning applications with ammonia considerations to get underway again, NIEA has started processing applications again.

UFU president David Brown described the move as “welcome news” and said: “To say our memers were frustrated by NIEA’s decision to halt planning applications earlier this year was an understatement.

“Many had made financial commitments and, in some cases, spent thousands of pounds on planning applications backed up by essential evidence, only to be left high and dry.

“The resumption of planning advice will have benefits for the environment, local communities and the wider NI economy.

He added that farmers are “already working to reduce ammonia emissions” and “are eager to do more”, for which upgrades to farm buildings, and improvements to animal and bird welfare and environmental standards are vital.

He said: “NIEA must now get to work urgently and progress applications allowing farmers to continue with on farm developments, ensuring a sustainable agri-industry.”

Last week, a call for evidence on the impact of air pollution, including ammonia, on the environment was extended by Northern Ireland’s Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) forthe second time.


An NIEA spokesperson said: “NIEA took the decision to temporarily pause the use of its Operational Protocol to enable consideration of its continued use. Having completed those considerations, NIEA lifted the temporary pause on 29 September and will continue to apply the extant Protocol.

“NIEA will endeavour to ensure that the cases impacted by the temporary pause are now addressed quickly.”
