The Disruptive Nature of Green Ammonia for Farmers

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In this InvestorIntel interview, Tracy Weslosky talks with FuelPositive Corporation’s (TSXV: NHHH | OTCQB: NHHHF) Chairman and CEO Ian Clifford about the “disruptive nature” of their green ammonia production systems. By placing their systems onsite, Ian discusses how FuelPositive allows farmers and other end users to have a stable and independent supply of ammonia at a cost that is locked in for decades.

Ian goes on to explain how FuelPositive’s green ammonia production systems start to generate carbon credits as soon as they became operational. “FuelPositive owns those credits contractually”, Ian adds, “but we have the ability to utilize the value of those credits to help end users meet their operating targets and their return on investment targets as well.”

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About FuelPositive Corporation
FuelPositive is a Canadian techology company committed to providing commercially viable and sustainable, “cradle to cradle” clean technology solutions, including an on-farm/onsite, containerized Green Ammonia (NH3) production system that eliminates carbon emissions from the production of Green Ammonia.

By focusing on technologies that are clean, sustainable, economically advantageous and realizable, the Company aims to help mitigate climate change, addressing unsustainable agricultural practices through innovative technology and practical solutions that can be implemented now. The FuelPositive on-farm/onsite, containerized Green Ammonia production system is designed to produce pure, anhydrous ammonia for multiple applications, including fertilizer for farming, fuel for grain drying and internal combustion engines, a practical alternative for fuel cells and a solution for grid storage. Green Ammonia is also considered a key enabler of the hydrogen economy.

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FuelPositive systemsare designed to provide for Green Ammonia production on-farm/onsite, where and when needed. This eliminates wildly fluctuating supply chains and offers end-users clean fertilizer, energy and Green Ammonia supply security while eliminating carbon emissions from the production process. The first customers will be farmers. Farmers use 80% of the traditional grey ammonia produced today as fertilizer.

To know more about FuelPositive Corporation, click here

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