Forest Health Extravaganza Focuses on Healthy Forests and …

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The Forest Health Extravaganza event is an effort to bring together organizations, professionals, communities, and individuals who are focused on healthy forests & healthy communities, with an open invite to anyone who is curious. Focusing our collective efforts, and bringing together a breadth & depth of communities holds potent possibilities for organizing and momentum.

With the tremendous need for forest stewardship and ecological-economic development in our region, at the core of this event is the intention to organize greater regional capacity to bring in more forest health resources.

Alongside forest regeneration work is abundant opportunity for cottage industry in round-pole building, furniture, woodworking, biochar & more.

A large focus will also be on fire preparedness and prevention, including prescribed fire, fire defense, fire safe councils, and the importance of good fire.

The day will be broad and deep, and hopefully just the beginning of greater regional organizatio and cross pollination between organizations, communities, neighborhoods, and individuals. The event will facilitate a handful of focused breakouts in the afternoon
following the morning plenary.
