BIOS-2023 concludes with an optimistic note for environment

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The BIOS 2023 today ended with an optimistic note for the scientific fraternity with key takeaways as drawn forth in the concluding session chaired by NN Sinha, Secretary, Steel and ably supported by AK Singh, Director (Technical, Projects & Raw Material), SAIL; RP Goswami, Director, Oil India Limited and Dr. Sujay Rakshit, Director (ICAR-IIAB). The 2-day Seminar witnessed participation of around 150 delegates from different organizations; a total of 30 presentations were brainstormed in 5 technical sessions.

In his concluding remarks Sinha asked the organisers to collate the essence of the seminar, evolve the bigger picture and keep all the wisdom generated in the public domain for futuristic value additions from the stakeholders who could not participate.

Singh was confident that in coming times the two-pronged approach of utilization of BioChar both in the blast furnace and also in the sintering process would soon see the light of the day. He urged the steel fraternity to examie and use 5-10% of Bio-Char in place of Coke Breeze in Sinter as well as replace the Pulverized Coal Injection by 5-10% in the blast furnaces

Goswami informed the august audience Biofuels have come fully into International Business and Oil India limited already is into many Biofuels in which a bus running in Assam with green Hydrogen is a good showcasing.

Dr. Rakshit remarked that lots of work is going on in the country in isolation but they need to be collated. Also, Genome editing may help in Biofuels which is different from the much-maligned Genetic Engineering. Rice with high food value cannot be compromised, but maize can become a Biofuel if it does not affect the fodder & poultry. Partha Banerjee, organization secretary proposed the vote of thanks.

A cultural program was held for the delegates and the troops Shiva Shakti & Darpan presented mesmerizing dance numbers specially the “Aiya Giri Nandini” one. Artists were felicitated for their sterling performance.
