thyssenkrupp Uhde collaborates on Dutch project for floating ‘green …

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Thyssenkrupp Uhde GmbH (Dortmund, Germany) will support the Dutch government project OFFSET, a consortium led by project developer SwitcH2 B.V. (Rotterdam) and including partners BW Offshore Norway AS (BWO; Oslo, the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN; Wageningen), TU Delft, and Strohm B.V. (IJmuiden). The consortium is developing an industrial-scale, floating, “green” hydrogen and ammonia project, based on the proven concept of a floating production and offloading vessel (FPSO).

“The green transformation is the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced, and we are proud to be one of the transformation enablers with our solutions and innovations at thyssenkrupp Uhde”, says Cord Landsmann, CEO thyssenkrupp Uhde. “To stop climate change, we have developed technologies that make sustainability feasible for businesses, reduce the carbon footprint of industrial value chains, and accelerate the growth of renewable energy. This is exactly what motivated us to develop our green amonia technology.”

The collaboration between the OFFSET Project group and thyssenkrupp Uhde marks a significant milestone in the pursuit of sustainable and environmentally friendly industrial practices. Modern engineering and cutting-edge technology are combined in the proposed FPSO ammonia plant to produce a modular and adaptable solution that will shape the future of clean offshore ammonia manufacturing.

In March 2023, SwitcH2 B.V. announced it had received Approval in Principle from DNV on its design principles for an FPSO which will produce ammonia offshore solely from renewable sources of energy. As part of the Approval in Principle process, BWO developed the topside arrangement, hull, and mooring system design for the FPSO with the engagement of thyssenkrupp Uhde via a Technical Concept Study for the ammonia plant based on thyssenkrupp’s uhde ammonia synthesis technologies.

The project consortium has received a grant of €3 million in April 2023 from the Dutch government in suport of project OFFSET. The objective is to develop a floating hydrogen and/or ammonia production and storage facility, which will be connected to an adjacent wind farm by 2027.