HOOD RIVER — A four-week series at Riverside Community Church in downtown Hood River offers participants a safe and sacred place to share grief, whether it be for personal losses or circumstances in the world.
The Circles of Solace series will be held every Wednesday night in June for one hour, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. The series will be facilitated by Riverside Pastor Vicky Stifter and Maggie Converse. “These are challenging times. Many of us are carrying deep grief and sorrow in our hearts,” said Stifter. “At Circles of Solace, we don’t treat grief as a problem to be solved, but as a vital and healing encounter with the essential experience of being human.” The series is open to those of all spiritual backgrounds.
The four-week series is $40, but scholarships are available. Registration is required, by calling the church office at 541-386-1412, or by sending an email to office@riversideucc.com. Space is limited.
History Museum hosts free reception June 10
HOOD RIVER — The History Mueum of Hood River County hosts a free “Not Just a Footnote” exhibition reception on Saturday, June 10 from 4-6 p.m. Enjoy wine from Grateful Vineyard and snacks. The reception is family-friendly.
“Help us honor remarkable women of the Gorge,” said a museum press release. “If you haven’t seen ‘Not Just a Footnote’ yet, now is your chance before it closes June 30.”
Sherman agricultural research field day
SHERMAN — Oregon State University and USDA Agricultural Research Service are co-hosting the Sherman Experiment Station Field Day on Wednesday, June 14 at the Sherman County Fairground, 66365 Lonerock Road near Moro. Everyone with an interest in agriculture is encouraged to attend.
Registration begins at 7:30 a.m., with the programs commencing at 7:50 a.m. The field day features presentations by staff scientists. Topics include winter and spring wheat varieties, disease management, weed management, soil carbon management, use of biochar, nutrient density of cereal grains, companion crpping of peas and canola, and networking with scientists.
A hosted lunch is provided, followed by an address from OSU Dean of Agricultural Sciences, Dr. Staci Simonich. Go to agsci.oregonstate.edu/cbarc/outreach-0 for more information or to pre-register, or call 541-278-4186.
Elder abuse awareness event June 14
HOOD RIVER — Have questions about scams, fraud, elder abuse, or neglect? Stop by the Hood River Valley Adult Center on Wednesday, June 14 from 11 a.m. to 1p.m. to get answers.
Staff from state and local agencies will be on site to provide information and answer questions.
“During this event we will raise awareness about elder abuse, why it occurs, and what we can do to stop it,” said a press release.
This is a free event and no registration required. For questions or more information, contact Roni at 541-705-4870.Learn more about World Elder Abuse Awareness Day at www.eldermistreatment.usc.edu/weaad-home.
The event is hosted by the Hood River Valley Adult Center and the lder Adult Behavioral Health Initiative at GOBHI.
Kiwanis announce June programs
THE DALLES — Kiwanis meetings are held every Thursday at noon at Spooky’s and visitors are welcome. This month’s events include:
June 8: City Manager Matthew Klebes offers a city update.
June 11 (Sunday): Kiwanians serve Community Meal.
June 15: John Foley will talk about family and Spooky’s history.
June 22: Commissioner Phil Brady speaks on Wasco County happenings.
June 29: Yvonne Pepin-Wakefield presents the art rock project beside her gallery/studio.
For more information go to www.thedalleskiwanis.org/ or The-Dalles-Kiwanis-Club on Facebook.
Water district operations manager receives award
DALLESPORT — R. Scott Dixon, Dallesport Water District operations manager, has been selected to receive a Washington State Department of Health Commitment to Excellence award. This award is presented annually by The Washington State Department of Health during Drinking Water Week, which was the first full wek of May. Dixon was presented with his award on May 9.
Circles of Care volunteers needed
HOOD RIVER/THE DALLES — Circles of Care is looking for volunteers interested in helping older adults in their communities. Volunteers provide important, meaningful assistance to an older adult such as friendly check-ins, transportation or grocery shopping. Volunteers also choose how often or when they are able to help. Those interested can apply online at ageplus.org/circles-of-care.