India must emerge as green hydrogen refuelling hub for shipping industry: RK Singh

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India recently notified its ‘Green Hydrogen Standard’ which limits carbon dioxide missions to less than or equal to 2 kg per kg of hydrogen.
The shipping sector will go green in the next 10 years and India will emerge as a key green hydrogen refuelling hub for ships, Union Minister for Power and New and Renewable Energy RK Singh said on September 5, while underlining the need to shift to green fuel as the country’s economy grows.

“Globally, shipping will go green within 10 years. So, we have to emerge as a refuelling destination for all green ships, since we can provide them green hydrogen or green ammonia or whatever fuel they want at the lowest cost,” Singh said in his address at a day-long conference on ‘Green hydrogen pilots in India’ organised by NTPC Ltd.

“We have to prepare bunkers at shipyards and also have pilots for green shipping on our own. We are in talks with the Ministry of Shipping, to take this forward,” he said.


As first reported by Monecontrol on August 23, the Union minister also said the government is going to come out with a pilot for green hydrogen or green ammonia for energy storage to ensure round-the-clock renewable power.

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