Govt may offer up to ₹50/kg support for green hydrogen | Mint

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NEW DELHI : The Union government plans to provide incentives worth ₹13,050 crore out of the ₹19,744 crore support under the National Green Hydrogen Mission, two people aware of the development said. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘story-ads-0’); }); It plans to provide incentives totalling ₹17,490 crore to produce green hydrogen and electrolyzers under the mission announced in February. Of this, ₹4,440 crore would be allocated for the manufacturing of electrolyzers.
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For green hydrogn, the government plans to provide an incentive of up to ₹50 per kg in the first year, which will be brought down and capped at ₹30 pe kg in the third year. if (adFreesubs) { getGooglePubAds(“subs-adfree”); } “According to a draft proposal, the Centre plans to give direct incentives in terms of rupees per kilogram, and the beneficiaries under the scheme will be selected through a competitive bidding process. In the first year, the incentive would be the highest and would gradually be lowered in the following two years,” one of the two people cited above said on condition of anonymity. Applicants need to have experience developing at least 500 MW of renewable energy capacity over the past four years, or a minimum of 500,000 tonnes of ammonia or methanol, or 100,000 tonnes of hydrogen over the last four years. The scheme will kick off in FY26. The second person said that around 400,000 tonnes of capacity would be tendered each in the first and third quarters of FY24and another 400,000 in the first quarter of the next fiscal (FY25). In a bid to promote different pathways to produce green hydrogen, separate technoloy-specific bids may also be called. For electrolyzer manufacturing, the Centre plans to allocate ₹4,440 crore for a period of five years. In the first year, the incentive is likely to be ₹4,440 per kilowatt (kW), which would be reduced every year. Applicants should have experience producing at least 100MW of electrolyzers over the previous two years or should demonstrate technology partnerships with an entity which has produced at least 100 MW of electrolyzers during the same period. Bids for 1500 MW per annum each may be awarded in the second and fourth quarters of FY24. Responding to a mailed query from Mint, Bhupinder Singh Bhalla, secretary, ministry of new and renewable energy, said, “The Strategic Interventions for Green Hydrogen Transition (SIGHT) Programme, under the National Green Hydrogen Mission, is a compreensive incentive programme to facilitate growth of Green Hydrogen value chain in the country. Under the programme, two distinct financial incentives, targeted at suport for domestic manufacturing of electrolysers, and production of green hydrogen have been proposed.” “The incentives will be awarded through a competitive bidding process, and the incentive amount will taper down annually. Draft concept notes on the SIGHT programme have been circulated to industry chambers and associations for consultations,” he added. MORE FROM THIS SECTIONSee All Premium Premium The destructive new logic that threatens globalisation Premium Premium Indians are cutting back on non-essential spending, say … Premium Premium RBI projects India’s GDP to grow at 6.5 per cent in FY24 Premium Premium SC quashes Centre’s ban on news broadcaster MediaOne
The Union cabinet in January had approved the National Green Hydrogen Mission with an initial outlay of ₹19,744 crore, icluding ₹17,490 crore for the Strategic Interventions for Green Hydrogen Transition (SIGHT) programme to support domestic manufacturing, ₹1,466 crore for pilot projects, ₹400 crore forR&D, and ₹388 crore towards other mission components. The government is hoping to turn India into a global hub for the production, use and export of green hydrogen and its derivatives. For this, it expects to enable the production of 5 million tonnes (mt) of green hydrogen per annum by 2030, with the potential to reach 10 million tonnes per annum with the growth of export markets.  Green hydrogen is likely to replace hydrogen produced from fossil fuel sources in ammonia production and petroleum refining. It would also be used in city gas distribution systems, the production of steel and the use of green hydrogen-derived synthetic fuels, including green ammonia and green methanol, among others.
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Rituraj Baruah

Rituraj Baruah is a senior correspondent at Mint, reporting on housing, urban affairs, small businesses and energy. He has reported on diverse sectors over the last six years including, commodities and stocks market, insolvency and real estate. He has previous stints at Cogencis Information Services, Indo-Asian News Service (IANS) and Inc42.

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