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Frontier Energy Ltd (ASX:FHE, OTCQB:FRHYF) has secured a pivotal pre-certification for its Bristol Springs Renewable Energy Project, making it one of only three Australian hydrogen projects to achieve this milestone.

The Smart Energy Council — the peak independent body advocating for Australia’s renewable energy industry — approved the early-stage authorisation, meaning Bristol Springs is rubber-stamped under its Zero Carbon Certification Scheme.

The scheme, launched in December 2020, is an industry-led initiative designed to fast-track the growth and deployment of renewable hydrogen and its by-products, including green ammonia and green metals.

As one of an exclusive few projects to join the scheme, Frontier believes the certification underscores Bristol Springs’ calibre, assuring shareholders, financiers and offtakers that its production process will yield zero-carbon or green hydrogen.

Frontier is focused on conducting offtake negotiations, securing finance and kicking off prject construction in 2023.
Staking green hydrogen claim

Bristol Springs’ pre-certification involved a comprehensive review of its recent definitive feasibility study, confirming the project’s commitment to producing zero-carbon, renewable hydrogen.

FHE managing director Sam Lee Mohan said pre-certification ensured stakeholders knew the origin and source of Bristol Springs’ green hydrogen was “100% clean”.

“Frontier is an advanced first mover in the Australian hydrogen industry, and receiving zero-carbon pre-certification is important for offtakers, as well as construction financing for the project,” he explained.
Building industry credibility

Of course, the Zero Carbon Certification Scheme isn’t the only certification available to renewable assets in Australia.

The Federal Government recently made a $38.2 million commitment to implement the Guarantee of Origin (GO) Certificate scheme, aimed at tracking and verifying emissions linked with hydrogen and other low-emissions products.
Ultimately, these schemes serve as a litmus test to ensure hydrogen hubs are on track to produce in a sustainable and environmentally conscious manner, giving stakeholders confident that they can deliver on feasibility study outcomes.

Smart Energy Council CEO John Grimes believes it is absolutely crucial that hydrogen projects are certified to prevent greenwashing.

“By awarding certification to projects that do the right thing, we can build a credible new industry based on transparency and set Australia up as a renewable hydrogen superpower.”
Driving renewable hydrogen economy

The Smart Energy Council tapped Point Advisory to validate the Bristol Springs Project and review its feasibility assumptions, confirming it fulfils the Federal Government’s Renewable Energy Target requirements.

Zero Carbon Hydrogen Australia general manager Joanna Kay called the Bristol Springs certification “a tremendous milestone”.

“This industry-driven certification scheme gives confidence to all stakehoders,” she noted.

“It ensures that we are driving and building a strong renewable hydrogen economy here in Australia.

“The Zero Carbon Certification Scheme is demonstrating global leadership and ensuring the quality production of renewable hydrogen. Congratulations Frontier Energy.”
