Cultivating Ag Careers: Emmaline Long, Agronomy Solutions …

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GREENWICH, N.Y. — “Everyone has something that intrigues and excites them. Agriculture has been that passion for me for as long as I can remember,” said Emmaline Long. Emmaline grew up in Bergen, NY and while she did not grow up on a farm, her father came from a dairy farming family and her uncle operated a large dairy farm which she visited often. She has fond memories of riding on a tractor with her dad when she was a little girl. Through these family connections Emmaline has always felt that agriculture was “in her blood.” “Growing up in a community where farming is the major business, I always enjoyed watching the seasonal progression from field preparation to harvest,” she said.

In middle school Emmaline began to have more direct involvement in agriculture by raising sheep. She also became involved in 4-H and other ag-related endeavors such as Junior Master Gardeners, geospatial sciences, and the New York State Fair. Her 4-H involvement played a big role in her personal growth a she said, “I attribute my involvement in 4-H to so much of my success. It taught me public speaking, it taught me how to critically think through practical problems, it taught me how to organize projects, and most importantly, it gave me confidence to be myself and excitement about the field of agriculture.” 4-H continues to play a role in Emmaline’s life today. In 2016 she had the opportunity to represent National 4-H as a speaker at the plenary session for the ESRI International User’s Conference in San Diego.

Emmaline took her agricultural interest to Cornell University where she earned a degree in Agricultural Sciences and earned a Master’s Degree in Animal Science. After graduating Emmaline wanted first-hand experience in farm management and decision making, so she became the crop manager for CY Farms in Elba, NY. In this role Emmaline served as the farm agronomist planning diverse crop rotations, managing fertilizer and pesticide application decisions, and organizing precision griculture operations and data management. CY Farms grows over 8 different types of crops including a turf farm and a custom heifer raising operation. In her seven years in this position Emmaline was able to gain experience managing a wide variety of crops from onion production to forage production to CAFO management and more.

Currently, Emmaline is an Agronomy Solutions Manager for Yara North America. Her work focuses on agronomic research and development in the fertilizer industry in the Great Lakes region and Eastern Canada. Emmaline explained, “My role is on the North American Innovation Team and I coordinate research projects across several crops and regions to determine new markets for our products and learn how to use our products in ways that are both agronomically and environmentally responsible.” Her experiences at CY Farms have proven beneficial in her job today as she said, “Being able to understand how decisions are made at the farm level has helped me guide projects in m current role. I am able to provide guidance on how projects will be implemented on farms.”

As one of the world’s largest fertilizer suppliers, Yara seeks to feed the world responsibly and protect the planet. Some of Yara’s projects include carbon footprint nitrate fertilizers and green ammonia development which both have the goal of decarbonizing the food chain. “It is exciting to be a part of a progressive global company and bring their mission to my region in the Northeast US,” said Emmaline. “I have had the opportunity to work on projects to calculate the carbon footprint of various crops and show the impact that decisions relating to fertilizer and good agronomy can make when it comes to reducing the footprint of our food system.”

For those considering a career in agriculture, Emmaline stressed the importance of networking. “Utilize the agricultural network to your advantage,” she said. “There are careers available in agriculture that I had no idea existed when graduating from hgh school, or even college. The companies and opportunities are endless and are continuing to grow! Agriculture provides one of the most connected networks of any industry. Take advantage of meetings, conferences, and other opportunities to meet and connect with others in the industry. Step out of your comfort zone, introduce yourself to people, and build your network.”

Emmaline also encourages career seekers to ask about what might be available. “If you don’t think something exists, go find it and ask for it,” mentioned Emmaline. “The worst someone is going to say is ‘no’. Every internship I had during college, and even my career with CY Farms, I got because I asked if there was an opportunity- not because I found an open posting. Agricultural companies are often incredibly excited when young people take interest in them. There are so many opportunities for job shadows, summer internships and careers- just ask!”

For anyone who is interested in Emmaline’s line of work and may have an questions, feel free to reach out to her at or by calling 585-261-0581.
