Global Market for Advanced Carbon Materials to 2033: 965 Company Profiles

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Company LogoDublin, June 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The "The Global Market for Advanced Carbon Materials 2023-2033" report has been added to's offering.Advanced Carbon Materials such as carbon fibers, carbon black, graphene, carbon nanotubes, etc., possess unique mechanical, electrical, biological and chemical properties that have led to a variety of applications in electronics, energy storage, catalysis, filtration and sensing.Advanced Carbon Materials covered in this study include:Carbon fibers.Carbon black.Graphite.Graphene.Biochar.Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes.Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes.Fullerenes.Nanodiamonds.Graphene quantum dots.Carbon Foam.Diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings.Report contents include:Market drivers and trends.Properties and synthesis methods.Market segment analysis. Markets covered include carbon capture & utilization, composites, electrochemical energy storage devices (batteries and supercapacitors), sensors, thermamanagement, adsorption, electromagnetic shielding, catalyst support, sensors and more.Price and price drivers.Market consumption of advanced carbon materials, by type.Production capacities, current and planned, by materials type.965 company profiles. Companies profiled include BC Biocarbon, Cabot Corporation, Carba, Carbitex, Dark Black Carbon, GrafTech International, Gratomic, Graphenea, Haydale Graphene Industries, Hexcel Corporation, Huntsman Corporation,Ibiden Co., Ltd., JEIO, LG Chem, Leading Edge Materials, , Li-S Energy, Mattershift, Mitsubishi Chemical Carbon Fiber and Composites, Inc., Mersen, LLC, NextSource Materials, Nippon Techno-Carbon Co., Ltd., Teijin, UMATEX, Nanocyl SA, OCSiAl, Perpetual Next, Renergi, SEC Carbon, SGL Group, Showa Denko, Syrah Resources, Versarien and Zeon Corporation.Key Topics Covered:1 THE ADVANCED CARBON MATERIALS MARKET1.1 Market overview1.2 Role of advanced carbon materials in the green transition2 CARBON FIBERS2.1 Properties of carbon fibers2.. Types by modulus2.1.2 Types by the secondary processing2.2 Precursor material types2.2.1 PAN: Polyacrylonitrile2.2.1.1 Spinning2.2.1.2 Stabilizing2.2.1.3 Carbonizing2.2.1.4 Surface treatment2.2.1.5 Sizing2.2.1.6 Pitch-based carbon fibers2.2.1.7 Isotropic pitch2.2.1.8 Mesophase pitch2.2.1.9 Viscose (Rayon)-based carbon fibers2.3 Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP)2.3.1 Applications2.4 Key players2.5 Global carbon fiber demand 2016-2033, by industry (MT)2.6 Global carbon fiber revenues 2016-2033, by industry (billions USD)2.7 Global carbon fiber demand 2016-2033, by region (MT)2.8 Market drivers and trends2.9 Market challenges2.10 Future trends2.11 Production capacities2.11.1 Annual capacity, by producer2.11.2 Market share, by capacity2.12 Company profiles2.12.1 Carbon fiber producers (29 company profiles)2.12.2 Carbon Fiber composite producers (62 company profiles)2.12.3 Carbon fiber recyclers (16 company profiles)Story continues3 CARBON BLACK3.1 Commercially available carbon blac3. Properties3.2.1 Particle size distribution3.2.2 Structure-Aggregate size3.2.3 Surface chemistry3.2.4 Agglomerates3.2.5 Colour properties3.2.6 Porosity3.2.7 Physical form3.3 Manufacturing processes3.4 Global market for carbon black3.4.1 Global demand in tons 2014-20333.4.2 Global demand in tons, by region 2014-20333.4.3 Traditional markets3.4.3.1 Tires and automotive3.4.3.2 Non-Tire Rubber (Industrial rubber)3.4.4 Growth markets3.4.5 Market supply chain3.4.6 Green carbon black3.4.7 Specialty carbon black3.4.7.1 Global market size for specialty CB3.4.8 Recovered carbon black (rCB)3.5 Pricing3.5.1 Feedstock3.5.2 Commercial carbon black3.6 Key players3.7 Market share analysis3.8 Company profiles (36 company profiles)4 GRAPHITE4.1 Types of graphite4.1.1 Natural vs synthetic graphite4.2 Natural graphite4.2.1 Classification4.2.2 Processing4.2.3 Flake4.2.3.1 Grades4.2.3.2 Applications4.2.3.3 Spherical graphite4.2.3.4 Expandable graphite4.2.4 Amorphous graphite4.2.4.1 Applications4.2.5 Crysallne vein graphite4.2.5.1 Applications4.3 Synthetic graphite4.3.1 Classification4.3.1.1 Primary synthetic graphite4.3.1.2 Secondary synthetic graphite4.3.2 Processing4.3.2.1 Processing for battery anodes4.3.3 Issues with synthetic graphite production4.3.4 Isostatic Graphite4.3.4.1 Description4.3.4.2 Markets4.3.4.3 Producers and production capacities4.3.5 Graphite electrodes4.3.6 Extruded Graphite4.3.7 Vibration Molded Graphite4.3.8 Die-molded graphite4.4 New technologies4.5 Recycling of graphite materials4.6 Applications of graphite4.7 Graphite pricing (ton)4.7.1 Pricing in 20234.8 Global market and production of graphite4.8.1 Global mine production and reserves of natural graphite4.8.2 Global graphite production in tonnes, 2016-20224.8.3 Estimated global graphite production in tonnes, 2023-20334.8.4 Synthetic graphite supply4.8.5 Global market demand for graphite by end use market 2016-2033, tonnes4.8.5.1 Natural graphite4.8.5.2 Synthetic graphite4.8.6 Demand for graphite by end usemarkts, 20224.8.7 Demand for graphite by end use markets, 20334.8.8 Demand by region4.8.9 Main market players4.8.9.1 Natural graphite4.8.9.2 Synthetic graphite4.8.10 Market supply chain4.9 Company profiles (95 company profiles)5 BIOCHAR5.1 Biochar production5.1.1 Feedstocks5.1.2 Production technologies5.2 Markets for biochar5.2.1 Agriculture5.2.2 Construction materials5.2.3 Soil and water treatment5.2.4 Carbon capture5.2.5 Other5.3 Global revenues5.4 Company profiles (44 company profiles)6 GRAPHENE6.1 Types of graphene6.2 Properties6.3 Graphene market challenges6.4 Graphene producers6.4.1 Production capacities6.5 Price and price drivers6.5.1 Pristine graphene flakes pricing/CVD graphene6.5.2 Few-Layer graphene pricing6.5.3 Graphene nanoplatelets pricing6.5.4 Graphene oxide (GO) and reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) pricing6.5.5 Multilayer graphene (MLG) pricing6.5.6 Graphene ink6.6 Global demand 2018-2033, tons6.6.1 By market6.6.2 By region6.6.2.1 Asia-Pacific6.6.2.2 North America6.6.2.3 Erope67 Company profiles (336 company profiles)7 CARBON NANOTUBES7.1 Properties7.1.1 Comparative properties of CNTs7.2 Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)7.2.1 Applications and TRL7.2.2 Producers7.2.2.1 Production capacities7.2.3 Price and price drivers7.2.4 Global demand 2018-2033, tons7.2.5 Company profiles (131 company profiles)7.3 Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs)7.3.1 Properties7.3.2 Applications7.3.3 Production capacities7.3.4 Company profiles (19 company profiles)7.4 Other types7.4.1 Double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWNTs) Properties7.4.1.2 Applications7.4.2 Vertically aligned CNTs (VACNTs) Properties7.4.2.2 Applications7.4.3 Few-walled carbon nanotubes (FWNTs) Properties7.4.3.2 Applications7.4.4 Carbon Nanohorns (CNHs) Properties7.4.4.2 Applications7.4.5 Carbon Onions7.4.5.1 Properties7.4.5.2 Applications7.4.6 Boron Nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) Properties7.4.6.2 Applications7.4.6.3 Production8 CARBON NANOFIBERS8.1 Properties8.2 Synthesis82.1 Chmical vapor deposition8.2.2 Electrospinning8.2.3 Template-based8.2.4 From biomass8.3 Markets8.3.1 Batteries8.3.2 Supercapacitors8.3.3 Fuel cells8.3.4 CO2 capture8.4 Companies (10 company profiles)9 FULLERENES9.1 Properties9.2 Products9.3 Markets and applications9.4 Technology Readiness Level (TRL)9.5 Global consumption in metric tonnes, 2010-20339.5.1 Consumption by market9.5.1.1 Market share 2022 (%) Market Share 2022 (MT) Market share 2033 (%) Market Share 2033 (MT)9.6 Prices9.7 Producers (20 company profiles)10 NANODIAMONDS10.1 Types10.1.1 Fluorescent nanodiamonds (FNDs)10.2 Applications10.3 Price and price drivers10.4 Global demand 2018-2033, tonnes10.5 Company profiles (30 company profiles)11 GRAPHENE QUANTUM DOTS11.1 Comparison to quantum dots11.2 Properties11.3 Synthesis11.3.1 Top-down method11.3.2 Bottom-up method11.4 Applications11.5 Graphene quantum dots pricing11.6 Graphene quantum dot producers (9 company profiles)12 CARBON FOAM12.1 Types12.1.1 Crbon aeogels12.1.1.1 Carbon-based aerogel composites12.2 Properties12.3 Applications12.4 Company profiles (9 company profiles)13 DIAMOND-LIKE CARBON (DLC) COATINGS13.1 Properties13.2 Applications and markets13.3 Global market size13.4 Company profiles (9 company profiles)14 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY15 REFERENCESCompanies Mentioned3D Strong2D Carbon Graphene Material Co., Ltd.2D fab AB2D Fluidics Pty Ltd2D Materials Pte. Ltd. (2DM)2-DTech Limited3d Nano Batteries (3DNB), LLC3R ENVIRO TECH Group4M Carbon Fiber Corporation9T Labs AGA&P Technology, Inc.Aben ResourcesACG Composites Co., Ltd.Aciturri Aeronautica, S.L.Acree Technologies, Inc.Acros OrganicsAction Composites GmbhAdamas Nanotechnologies, Inc.Adeka CorporationAdvanced Graphene Products z o.o.Advanced Material Development (AMD)AEH Innovative Hydrogel Limited (AEH)AerNos, Inc.Agar ScientificAIKA Innovative Technology Co., Ltd.Airex EnergyAirMembrane CorporationAkkolabAlba Mineral Resources plcAlbany Engineered Composites, IncAldila Inc.Alf AesarAligned Carbon, Inc.Alpen KohleAlpha Recyclage CompositesAmalystAmerican Dye Source, Inc.AMO GmbHAnaphite LimitedAnisoprint S.a.r.l.Anovion TechnologiesAnson ResourcesApNano Materials, Inc.Applied Graphene Materials plc.Applied Nano Surfaces Sweden ABApplied Nanolayers BVApplied Nanotech, Inc.Applied Sciences (Pyrograf Products, Inc.)ApplyNanosolutions S.L.APS Tech SolutionsAR Brown Co. LtdAr Brown Co.,Ltd.Archer Materials Ltd.AREVOArkema France SAArmadale CapitalArris CompositesArt Beam Co., Ltd.Arvia TechnologyAsahi Carbon Co LtdAsbury CarbonsAshbury CarbonsAtomic Mechanics Ltd.AtragoAttis Innovations, llcAustralian Advanced MaterialsAvadain LLCAVANCO GmbHAVANSA Technology & ServicesAvanzare Innovacion Tecnologica S.L.AVIC BIAM New Materials Technology Engineering Co., Ltd.Awn Nanotech, Inc.Aztrong, Inc.Balkrishna Industries LimitedBaotailong New Materials Co., Ltd.BASF AGAmong Many Other Companies!For more information about this report visit is the world's leading source for international market research reports and market data. We provide you with the latest data on international and regional markets, key industries, the top companies, new products and the latest trends.CONTACT: CONTACT: Laura Wood,Senior Press Manager For E.S.T Office Hours Call 1-917-300-0470 For U.S./ CAN Toll Free Call 1-800-526-8630 For GMT Office Hours Call +353-1-416-8900