+ 3 Daniel C. W. Tsang


أبريل 25, 2023

Carbon-negative cement-bonded biochar particleboards

Abstract Biochar from bio-waste pyrolysis presents excellent CO2 sequestration capacity. This study innovated the design of cement-bonded particleboards utilizing a substantial amount of 50–70 wt.% pre-soaked biochar to render the products […]


أبريل 24, 2023

Biochar as construction materials for achieving carbon neutrality

Abstract Biochar is a waste-derived material that can sequester carbon at a large scale. The development of low-carbon and sustainable biochar-enhanced construction materials has attracted extensive interest. Biochar, having a […]


أبريل 24, 2023

Wood waste biochar promoted anaerobic digestion of food waste: focusing on the characteristics of biochar and microbial community analysis

Abstract Anaerobic digestion (AD) has been considered as a promising technique for food waste (FW) recycling. However, the accumulation of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) restricts the stability of anaerobic reactors. […]

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