+ 22 Emissions


مايو 22, 2023

Green energy business eyes opportunity in P.E.I.’s net-zero plans

The town of Kensington, P.E.I., may soon be home to an innovative renewable diesel production facility.  SustainAgro, a Canadian renewable diesel and agricultural product manufacturing company, plans to build a new […]


مايو 22, 2023

Dual-fuel retrofitting cost shouldn’t exceed 25 pct of ship’s newbuild …

The retrofitting cost of an existing ship fitted with a two-stroke engine to a dual-fuel engine should not exceed 25 percent of the ship’s newbuilding cost, according to an assessment […]


مايو 22, 2023

Africa is set to become a clean energy hub of the future

he UAE will host Cop28 this year, as the global community aims to work together to deliver the energy transition, mitigate climate change, and ensure that collectively we are able […]


مايو 22, 2023

The first (real) business opportunity for hemp: Grow it, then burn it

As sustainability continues to go mainstream, industries are shifting priorities to focus on climate challenges and social impact in their strategic development plans. That’s a real opportunity for industrial hemp. […]


مايو 22, 2023

Carne di pecora: alla riscoperta dei sapori perduti

International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) EU and ISCC Plus have been awarded to XFuel, enabling the company to manufacture its low- and zero-carbon fuel in line with stringent sustainability […]


مايو 22, 2023

XFuel secures ISCC certification for its sustainable drop-in fuels plant

XFuel, a producer of sustainable drop-in fuels and carbon removal, has been awarded International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) EU and ISCC Plus allowing it to produce low- and zero-carbon […]


مايو 22, 2023

Moroccan university inks partnerships with Shell and Capgemini

The Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Morocco has signed partnerships with two global corporates with the aim of advancing its research knowhow around low carbon fuels. Commenting on the university’s […]


مايو 22, 2023

G7 backs incentives, market driven GHG emissions cuts

The G7 group of industrialised nations is looking to make the most of incentives and carbon pricing mechanisms to drive the global energy transition towards a 2050 net zero emissions […]


مايو 22, 2023

We’ve reached a fork in the fertilizer road: Which path keeps food cheap and the world cool? We’ve reached a fork in the fertilizer road: Which path keeps food …

In the modern world, food means fertilizer. Everything from a bowl of breakfast cereal to a curry relies on abundant use of synthetic fertilizer to raise crops or livestock. (The […]


مايو 22, 2023

Jurus Pertamina Imbangi Mahalnya Biaya Energi Hijau

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Indonesia kini tengah gencar mendorong pemanfaatan Energi Baru Terbarukan (EBT) guna ambil bagian dalam transisi energi demi mencapai Net Zero Emissions (NZE) pada 2060 mendatang atau […]

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