rice straw biochar
+ 2 rice straw biochar
أبريل 9, 2024
An efficient and simple approach to remove Cd(II) in aqueous solution by using rice straw biochar: performance and mechanisms
In recent years, cadmium pollution in water environment has become an environmental problem that could not be ignored. As a porous carbon rich solid material, biochar is an environment-friendly new material because of its ultra-high adsorption capacity and strong chemical stability. In this study, rice straw biochar (RS-Biochar) was successfully prepared at different temperatures for […]
أبريل 9, 2023
Effects of different C/N ratios on the maturity and microbial quantity of composting with sesame meal and rice straw biochar
Abstract The purpose of this paper was to study the effects of different C/N ratios on the maturity and microbial quantity of composting with sesame meal and rice straw biochar. Rice straw was calcined into biochar as raw materials composting with sesame meal for 30 days, referring to Chenfu Agricultural Book in Sōuthern Song Dynasty (1127–1279 […]