Pay DIRT acquires 335-acre of Farmland to Fight Drought

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Pay DIRT, LLC, a private company focused on high-impact investing, has acquired 335 acres of cropland in Holly, CO and Hill City, KS, to expand program of innovative soil health improvement strategies.

The corn and wheat cropland will be enriched with alley cover crops, and biochar carbon technology to combat drought-like conditions in Southwestern Kansas and Eastern Colorado, improving soil health and crop resiliency.

“Proven advances in economics and efficacy of biochar in reducing water need and fertilizer inputs, will increase ROI on crop land investment. By utilizing these methods, we can not only benefit our business, but also have a positive impact on the environment, food nutritional value, and economy of American farm communities.” said Bob Waun, Principal at Pay DIRT and Director of Acquisitions at DIRT Realty, LLC

Brien Wloch, also a Principal and Investor at Pay DIRT, emphasizes the importance of these innovative faring practices, stating, “With the ongoing and increasing risks of drought in Western US to crop production and global food supplies, it is imperative that we invest in sustainable and long-term soil health practices, right now.”

The USDA states that “adding biochar to soil has been shown to reduce water use by up to 40% while increasing crop yields.” Facts support Pay DIRT’s initiative to purchase tens of thousands of acres of near-degraded US farmland to implement innovative soil health improvement strategies.

Pay DIRT partners with local farmers and organizations to keep the positive economic impacts of their investments in these American communities.

“Our investment focuses on building up the soil health, first, instead of the traditional seasonal crop yield thesis of farmland valuation. We believe this will result in a paradigm shift in valuation.” says Scott Silver, Director of Capital Markets at Pay DIRT.
