NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher hosting Race for the Planet

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NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher hosting Race for the Planet
April 21, 2023
Hannah Patrick
NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher (Photo: WWAY)

FORT FISHER, NC (WWAY) — The North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher is hosting a Race for the Planet on Sunday to support and encourage the aquarium’s green initiatives.

Each year, the Race for the Planet welcomes racers of all skill levels with a fun, no-pressure atmosphere to do something healthy for themselves and for the planet.

This year, WWAY’s Hannah Patrick and meteorologist Ramel Carpenter will be running in the 5k.

There are three different race options. The in-person 5k and the 1 mile run are now sold out, but you can still take part in the virtual 5k. Race registration benefits the NC Aquarium’s green initiatives. You can race anywhere you want in the virtual 5k between April 24-30.

It all starts Sunday at the aquarium at 8 a.m.

The aquarium is asking you to take a few green actions for the race.

Here are just a few ideas of actions you can tke to be a Good Steward of our Planet. Join our Facebook Group and post pictures of how you are making a difference for you, for the north carolina aquariums and for the planet.

Green Tips:

Skip the straw. Each year, people in the US use enough straws to wrap around the earth 2.5 times. Straws are easily carried by the wind leading them to litter our beaches, oceans and waterways. Straws are one of the top 5 items found during beach sweeps in the US.

Turn it off. Artificial lighting accounts for 44 percent of electricity use in office buildings. Make it a habit to turn off the lights when you’re leaving any room for 15 minutes or more. Same goes for electronics; switch off power strips and unplug electrical devices when you’re not using them.

Dial it down. Moving your thermostat down just two degrees in winter and up two degrees in summer could save about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per year.

Carpool to the Race

Bring your own water bottle to the race.

Reuse your race safety ins.

Participate in the Recycling Drive at Race for the Planet

There will also be a mobile household hazardous waste and electronics recycling drive. They will be collecting the following items:

● Acids (bowl cleaners, driveway cleaners, etc.)

● Aerosols

● Antifreeze

● Ballasts

● Batteries – including alkaline, zinc-carbon, zinc-air, lithium, sealed lead-acid, and any type of rechargeable battery (NiMH, Ni-Cad, Li-Ion, etc.)

● Caustics (drain cleaners, lye, borax)

● CDs, DVDs, and VHS tapes

● Cell phones (including chargers, batteries, and ear buds)

● Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL), Tubes and Bulbs from residential properties only (Maximum 8′ length on CFL tubes)

● Cooking Oil

● Electronics-if it has an electrical cord or runs off batteries, we’ll take it!

● Fertilizers – solid or liquid

● Flammable Liquids

● Fuels*

● Gel Fuels (like Sterno)

● Herbicides / Fungicides (weed killer, ground clear)

● Household Cleaners (bleach, ammonia,tile/grout cleaners, glass cleaner, disinfectants, all-purpose cleaners, etc.)

● Mercury Thermostats and Thermometers

● Motor Oil and Oil Filters

● Paint – latex and oil-based)

● Pesticides – solid or liquid

● Sharps (needles)

● Solvents (degreasers, parts cleaners, paint thinners)

● Stains, varnishes, and sealers

Finally, there are holding a collection for shoes for Echo Haiti. If you are cleaning out your closets, please bring any gently used shoes. They can be any type of shoe, just no shoes beyond usefulness. Kids shoes, adult shoes, fashion shoes, etc. These shoes will benefit an orphanage and school in Haiti
