Global Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Market Analysis Report 2023: The Drive to Mitigate Carbon Emissions from Industry to Create a Potential Trillion Dollar Market

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Company LogoDublin, July 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The "The Global Market for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) 2023-2040" report has been added to's offering.The market for CO2 use is expected to remain relatively small in the near term (<$2.5 billion), but will grow in the next few years in the drive to mitigate carbon emissions from industry, potentially becoming a Trillion Dollar market.There are currently 35 commercial facilities globally are capturing 45 Mt CO2 globally, with another 200 carbon capture facilities planned by 2030, increasing annual carbon capture volume to ~220 Mt CO2 in total. New pathways to use CO2 in the production of fuels, chemicals and building materials are driving global interest, allied to increasing backing from governments, industry and investors.Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) refers to technologies that capture CO2 emissions and use or store them, leading to permanent sequestratn. CCUS technologies capture carbon dioxide emissions from large power sources, including power generation or industrial facilities that use either fossil fuels or biomass for fuel. CO2 can also be captured directly from the atmosphere.If not utilized onsite, captured CO2 is compressed and transported by pipeline, ship, rail or truck to be used in a range of applications, or injected into deep geological formations (including depleted oil and gas reservoirs or saline formations) which trap th CO2 for permanent storage.Carbon removal technologies include direct air capture (DAC) or bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS). This fast growing market is being driven by government climate initiatives and increased public and private investments. In 2022 there was over $1 billion in private investment in CCUS companies.Climeworks, a Swiss start-up developing direct air capture (DAC) raised a $650m round in April 2022. In December 2022, Svante raised US$318 million in a Series E funrising round. Funding has dipped in 2023, but investment remains robust.Story continuesReport contents include:Analysis of the global market for carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies.Market developments, funding and investment in carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) 2020-2023.Analysis of key market dynamics, trends, opportunities and factors influencing the global carbon, capture utilization & storage technologies market and its subsegments.Market barriers to carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies.National policies and strategies.Latest CCS projects updates.Latest developments in carbon capture, storage and utilization technologiesMarket analysis of CO2-derived products including fuels, chemicals, building materials from minerals, building materials from waste, enhanced oil recovery, and CO2 use to enhance the yields of biological processes.Profiles of 262 companies in Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) includingprducts, collaborations and investment funding.Companies profiled include:AlgiecelAspiring MaterialsCambridge Carbon CaptureCarbon Engineering Ltd.CapturaCarbyon BVCarbonCure Technologies Inc.CarbonOrOCarbon CollectClimeworksDimensional EnergyDioxycleEbb CarbonenaDyneFortera CorporationGlobal ThermostatHeirloom Carbon TechnologiesHigh Hopes LabsLanzaTechLiquid Wind ABLithosLiving CarbonMars MaterialsMercurius BiorefiningMission Zero TechnologiesOXCUUOxylumPaebblPrometheus FuelsRepAirSunfire GmbHSustaeraSvanteTravertine TechnologiesVerdoxKey Topics Covered:1 ABBREVIATIONS2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY2.1 Definition of Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS)2.2 Technology Readiness Level (TRL)3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY3.1 Main sources of carbon dioxide emissions3.2 CO2 as a commodity3.3 Meeting climate targets3.4 Market drivers and trends3.5 The current market and future outlook3.6 CCUS Industry developments 2020-20233.7 CCUS investments3.7.1 Venture Capital Funding3.8 Government CCUS initiativs3..1 North America3.8.2 Europe3.8.3 China3.9 Market map3.10 Commercial CCUS facilities and projects3.10.1 Facilities3.10.1.1 Operational3.10.1.2 Under development/construction3.11 CCUS Value Chain3.12 Key market barriers for CCUS4 INTRODUCTION4.1 What is CCUS?4.1.1 Carbon Capture4.1.1.1 Source Characterization4.1.1.2 Purification4.1.1.3 CO2 capture technologies4.1.2 Carbon Utilization4.1.2.1 CO2 utilization pathways4.1.3 Carbon storage4.1.3.1 Passive storage4.1.3.2 Enhanced oil recovery4.2 Transporting CO24.2.1 Methods of CO2 transport4.2.1.1 Pipeline4.2.1.2 Ship4.2.1.3 Road4.2.1.4 Rail4.2.2 Safety4.3 Costs4.3.1 Cost of CO2 transport4.4 Carbon credits5 CARBON CAPTURE5.1 CO2 capture from point sources5.1.1 Transportation5.1.2 Global point source CO2 capture capacities5.1.3 By source5.1.4 By endpoint5.2 Main carbon capture processes5.2.1 Materials5.2.2 Post-combustion5.2.3 Oxy-fuel combustion5.2.4 Liquid or supercritical CO2: Allam-Fetvedt Cycle5.2.5 Pre-combustion5.3 Carbon separationtechologies5.3.1 Absorption capture5.3.2 Adsorption capture5.3.3 Membranes5.3.4 Liquid or supercritical CO2 (Cryogenic) capture5.3.5 Chemical Looping-Based Capture5.3.6 Calix Advanced Calciner5.3.7 Other technologies5.3.7.1 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) Microalgae Carbon Capture5.3.8 Comparison of key separation technologies5.3.9 Technology readiness level (TRL) of gas separation technologies5.4 Opportunities and barriers5.5 Costs of CO2 capture5.6 CO2 capture capacity5.7 Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS)5.7.1 Overview of technology5.7.2 Biomass conversion5.7.3 BECCS facilities5.7.4 Challenges5.8 Direct air capture (DAC)5.8.1 Description5.8.2 Deployment5.8.3 Point source carbon capture versus Direct Air Capture5.8.4 Technologies5.8.4.1 Solid sorbents5.8.4.2 Liquid sorbents5.8.4.3 Liquid solvents5.8.4.4 Airflow equipment integration5.8.4.5 Passive Direct Air Capture (PDAC) Direct conversion5.8.4.7 Co-product generation5.8.4.8 Low Temperature DAC5.8.4.9 Reeneraion methods5.8.5 Commercialization and plants5.8.6 Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) in DAC5.8.7 DAC plants and projects-current and planned5.8.8 Markets for DAC5.8.9 Costs5.8.10 Challenges5.8.11 Players and production5.9 Other technologies5.9.1 Enhanced weathering5.9.2 Afforestation and reforestation5.9.3 Soil carbon sequestration (SCS)5.9.4 Biochar5.9.5 Ocean Carbon Capture5.9.5.1 Ocean fertilisation5.9.5.2 Ocean alkalinisation6 CARBON UTILIZATION6.1 Overview6.1.1 Current market status6.1.2 Benefits of carbon utilization6.1.3 Market challenges6.2 Co2 utilization pathways6.3 Conversion processes6.3.1 Thermochemical6.3.1.1 Process overview6.3.1.2 Plasma-assisted CO2 conversion6.3.2 Electrochemical conversion of CO26.3.2.1 Process overview6.3.3 Photocatalytic and photothermal catalytic conversion of CO26.3.4 Catalytic conversion of CO26.3.5 Biological conversion of CO26.3.6 Copolymerization of CO26.3.7 Mineral carbonation6.4 CO2-derived products6.4.1 Fuels6.4.1.1 Overview6.4.1.2 Prouctionroutes6.4.1.3 Methanol6.4.1.4 Algae based biofuels6.4.1.5 CO2-fuels from solar6.4.1.6 Companies6.4.1.7 Challenges6.4.2 Chemicals6.4.2.1 Overview6.4.2.2 Scalability6.4.2.3 Applications6.4.2.4 Companies6.4.3 Construction materials6.4.3.1 Overview6.4.3.2 CCUS technologies6.4.3.3 Carbonated aggregates6.4.3.4 Additives during mixing6.4.3.5 Concrete curing6.4.3.6 Costs6.4.3.7 Companies6.4.3.8 Challenges6.4.4 CO2 Utilization in Biological Yield-Boosting6.4.4.1 Overview6.4.4.2 Applications6.4.4.3 Companies6.5 CO2 Utilization in Enhanced Oil Recovery6.5.1 Overview6.5.1.1 Process6.5.1.2 CO2 sources6.5.2 CO2-EOR facilities and projects6.5.3 Challenges6.6 Enhanced mineralization6.6.1 Advantages6.6.2 In situ and ex-situ mineralization6.6.3 Enhanced mineralization pathways6.6.4 Challenges7 CARBON STORAGE7.1 CO2 storage sites7.1.1 Storage types for geologic CO2 storage7.1.2 Oil and gas fields7.1.3 Saline formations7.2 Global CO2 storage capacity7.3 Costs7.4 Challenges8 COMPANY PROFILESFor 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