Is CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (CF) a Stock to Watch After Gaining 1.22% This Week?

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The market has been high on CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (CF) stock recently. CF gets a Bullish score from InvestorsObserver Stock Sentiment Indicator.

Sentiment Score – ,bullish
CF Industries Holdings, Inc. has a Bullish sentiment reading. Find out what this means for you and get the rest of the rankings on CF!
See Full CF Report
What is Stock Sentiment?
In investing, sentiment generally means whether or not a given security is in favor with investors. It is typically a pretty short-term metric that relies entirely on technical analysis. That means it doesn’t incorporate anything to do with the health or profitability of the underlying company. Price action is generally the best indicator of sentiment. For a stock to go up, investors must feel good about it. Similarly, a stock that is in a downtrend must be out of favor. InvestorsObserver’s Sentiment Indicator considers price action and recent trends in volume. Increasing volumes often mean that a trend is strengthening, while decresing volumes can signal that a reversal could come soon. The options market is another place to get signals about sentiment. Since options allow investors to place bets on the price of a stock, we consider the ratio of calls and puts for stocks where options are available.
What’s Happening With CF Stock Today?
CF Industries Holdings, Inc. (CF) stock has fallen -0.05% while the S&P 500 has risen 0.5% as of 2:25 PM on Monday, Aug 21. CF is down -$0.04 from the previous closing price of $79.05 on volume of 730,787 shares. Over the past year the S&P 500 has risen 6.13% while CF is down -25.21%. CF earned $12.09 a per share in the over the last 12 months, giving it a price-to-earnings ratio of 6.55. To screen for more stocks like CF Industries Holdings, Inc. click here.
More About CF Industries Holdings, Inc.
CF Industries is a leading producer and distributor of nitrogen fertilizers. The company operates seven nitrogen facilities in North America and holds joint-venture interests in furthe production capacity in the United Kingdom and Trinidad and Tobago. CF makes nitrogen primarily using low-cost U.S. natural gas as its feedstock, making CF one of the lowest-cost nitrogen producers globally. The company is also investing in carbon-free blue and green ammonia, which can be used an alternative fuel to hydrogen or as a means to transport hydrogen. Click Here to get the full Stock Report for CF Industries Holdings, Inc. stock.
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