TritenIAG Supporting Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Project

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TritenIAG supporting green hydrogen and ammonia project.

TritenIAG, a sustainable project development and management company, announce they are supporting World Energy GH2 on a FEED (front-end engineering design) study for Canada’s first large-scale commercial green hydrogen and ammonia project powered through onshore wind projects.

With the recent completion of significant development milestones, Project Nujio’qonik is emerging as a world leader in wind-to-green-hydrogen and ammonia projects. Recent milestones include a USD $50 million investment by SK ecoplant, completion of pre-FEED, submission of a comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and the successful approval of World Energy GH2’s Crown land application.

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Project Nujio’qonik, a homegrown facility in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, is a cornerstone of Canada’s agreement with Germany to stimulate hydrogen production by 2025, and to enhance German energy security with a supplyof clean, emission-free energy.

About TritenIAG

TritenIAG has spent over 75 years entrenched in business-critical projects, establishing the project experience and nurturing the industry connections that we share with our clients.

From project development through commissioning and startup, TritenIAG has the specialized expertise and proven methodologies to design and execute the most strategic solutions throughout a project’s lifecycle. We provide the intelligent foundation on which successful projects are built.

TritenIAG Supporting Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Project, HOUSTON, September 28, 2023