Yara and Enbridge to develop and construct a low-carbon blue …

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Yara Clean Ammonia, a Yara International ASA company, and Enbridge Inc. signed a letter of intent to develop and construct jointly a world-scale low-carbon blue ammonia production facility as equal partners. The proposed facility, which includes autothermal reforming with carbon capture, will be located at the Enbridge Ingleside Energy Center (EIEC) near Corpus Christi, Texas.

Once operational, the production facility will be capable of supplying low-carbon ammonia to meet growing global demand, with an expected capacity of 1.2–1.4 million tons per annum. Approximately 95% of the CO2generated from the production process is anticipated to be captured and transported to nearby permanent geologic storage. If confirmed through the Front-end Engineering Design (FEED) phase and approved, total project investment is expected in the range of US$2.6–US$2.9 billion, with production start-up in 2027/2028.

Enbridge and Yara will utilize their complementary strengths to develop and execute the pject. Yara’s industry-leading experience in ammonia development, production, operations and distribution, combined with Enbridge’s large-scale infrastructure development expertise and world-class EIEC deep water docks and export platform, will be critical to advancing the project from development through to commercial operation.

In addition, Yara, the world’s largest ammonia distributor, is expected to contract full offtake from the facility, which further enhances the strategic value and commercial viability of the project.

Enbridge’s Texas Eastern Transmission Pipeline is expected to provide the transportation service for feed gas that will be used for the production process, and Enbridge, along with Oxy Low Carbon Ventures, is advancing a nearby CO2 sequestration hub which is a potential destination for the project’s captured CO2.

The construction of any facilities will be subject to receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals.

Yara Clean Ammonia operates the largest global amnia network with 15 ships and access to 18 ammonia terminals and multiple ammonia production and consumption sites across the world, through Yara International. Yara Clean Ammonia’s revenues and EBITDA for 2022 were US$4,428 million and US$249 million respectively. Yara Clean Ammonia is headquartered in Oslo, Norway.

Posted on 02 April 2023 in Ammonia, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), Fuels, Market Background | Permalink | Comments (3)

Time to add “Bluewashing” to the list of BS from the fossil fuel industry

Posted by: dursun | 02 April 2023 at 03:37 AM

Green Ammonia is the ideal, of course, however this will take time and major capital investment. The Yara Clean Ammonia process which will capture 95% of the CO2 generated from the production process is significantly better than the Coal based Ammonia processes in China and India.
In addition, Oxy Low Carbon Ventures appears to be honest in making carbon sequestration a major source of long-term revenue. Theywil use innovations in net-zero oil and fuels, net-zero chemicals and net-zero concrete. This makes business sense. If CO2 has value then use it. Recall, that gasoline was a waste by-product of the petroleum refining to obtain kerosene for illumination.

Posted by: Gryf | 02 April 2023 at 12:04 PM

I think considerable reservations about carbon capture are understandable and well deserved in view of the appalling record of the fossil fuel companies in lying about the effects of carbon emissions, when they were well aware from their own research of its likely effects, quite aside from their straightforwardly murdrous record in releasing lethal pollutants if it would save them a few dollars.

But I don’t think you can reject options on the grounds that they may be poorly administered and offer the possibility for gross malpractice, as that is true ofjus about anything.

JamesDo who is a PhD in Geology convinced me on this site that underground storage of CO2 is possible, although of course it can be screwed up:


I am no fan of developing sites on the grounds that we can mop it up with CC and storage, and would argue, if only the powers that be were likely to take any notice, that green production is where costs are falling rapidly, and we should concentrate on that for production, which I have full confidence that the likes of Topsoe Haldor are well on the way to fully mastering for economic production.

But in any case, we need to make CO2 capture and storage work even if all production ( ! ) were to be green, to deal with the backlog of excess emissions.

So for me it is simply not viable to dismiss CO2 storage, even though the doubts about gangsters gaming the system, permitted by bought and paid for politicians, are not only valid, but very sensible.
