Shortlisted nominees announced for the 2023 SAFETY4SEA …

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SAFETY4SEA is pleased to announce the distinguished shortlisted nominees for the 2023 SAFETY4SEA Awards, following an online nomination process, initiated a few months ahead within the scope of fostering Safety Excellence & Sustainable Shipping.These prestigious awards aim to recognize organizations within the maritime industry that demonstrated safety excellence and performance above average, contributing to a more sustainable and attractive industry. The online voting process has started at  where participants can cast their votes online up to 8th of September 2023. The winners will be the ones attracted the most online votes and the results will be announced on Wednesday, 18th of October 2023, at a special virtual ceremony.Nominations shortlisted for the 2023 SAFETY4SEA Awards include the following organizations per award category:SAFETY4SEA Dry Bulk Operator AwardRelatedNews
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var jnews_module_21294013_0_64aebad4c61c9 Award nominated to any ship operator of bulk carriers, or general dry cargo vessels that demonstrated safety excellence and performance above average in any aspect of maritime activityBerge Bulk has been nominated for investing in innovative technology that drives safety and environmental excellence. The company is actively retrofitting its existing vessels with innovative decarbonisation equipment on pilot trials, focusing on safety performance and pineering designs for its 2030 zero carbon vessel prototype.OSM Thome has been nominated for actively engaging and managing sustainable initiatives towards the environment and the community. OSM Thome is the result of a merger that was activated in 2023 between the OSM Maritime Group and the Thome Group.Pacific Basin Shipping Limited has been nominated for committing to sustainable shipping with a keen focus on seafarer safety,health and wellbeing, responsible environmental practice, performance optimization for best fuel and carbon efficiency, and best-in-class service delivery.POLSKA ŻEGLUGA MORSKA, POLSTEAM has been nominated for promoting safety and quality, showcasing excellence in PSC performance. Polsteam is a company with a reputation developed over 70 years of uninterrupted activity on the international sea transport market.Star Bulk Management Inc. has been nominated for providing high quality transportation services of dry bulk cargoes. On a fully delivered basis, the Star Buk fleet comprises of 126 modern vessels built in world-class shipyards and with an average age of approximately 10 years.Wallem Group has been nominated for investing in human factor. The company employs 7,000 seafarers and has developed a network of training centers that ensures seafarers can perform their jobs to the highest of standards, focusing on continual appraisals, skill-gap analyses, and performance tracking. SAETY4SEA Tanker Operator Award
Award nominated to any ship operator of oil or chemical tankers, or gas carriers that demonstrated safety excellence and performance above average in any aspect of maritime activityEastern Pacific Shipping Pte. Ltd. has been nominated for supporting crew welfare. The company has shifted its culture from managing ships to leading people. Supporting this culture shift is the EPS Life at Sea Programme – a robust initiative designed to improve mental and physical wellbeing.Goodwood Ship Management Pte. Ltd. has been nominated for strivin for operational excellence. Goodwood is managed by a team of highly skilled and dedicated professionals with many years of operational experience in handling the most complex international shipping operations.Synergy Group has been nominated for demonstrating safety excellence and providing a workplace that is truly characterized by inclusion and belonging. The company has set clear policies to attract, hire, and retain a divese workforce focusing on psychological and inclusion safety.Teekay Shipping (Singapore) Pte. Ltd has been nominated for showcasing leadership and sustainability by focusing on a strong safety culture along with credible ESG strategy which has become a competitive differentiator that positively affects company’s overall performance and its access to capital, talent, and business opportunities.Thenamaris has been nominated for ensuring high safety and quality performance. The company operates, maintains, and trades its principals’ vessels worldwide, in a safe, effcient, and profitable manner, ensuring high standards and operational excellence.Zodiac Maritime has been nominated for offering advanced management services and focusing on the elements that contribute to a safe working environment. The company benchmarks its safety performance and demonstrates enhanced PSC performance with good results and compliance to requirements. SAFETY4SEA Sustainability AwardAward nominated to any oganization that contributed towards sustainable shippingABS has been nominated for supporting industry’s decarbonization and emerging value chains with approvals in principle (AIPs), joint development projects (JDPs) and a series of publications and events, providing guidance for navigating key challenges, emerging technologies, and regulations.Hafnia has been nominated for putting ESG at the heart of its strategy committing to sustainability. In 2023, the company welcomed to its fleet four newbuilds that align with its sustainability values and ambitions and prtnered with Clean Hydrogen Works to explore the development of a clean hydrogen ammonia production project.Hoegh Autoliners Management AS (HAMAS) has been nominated for supporting sustainable shipping practices. HAMAS is building carbon neutral vessels, the Aurora Class which will be the largest and most environmentally friendly car carriers in the industry and the first in the PCTC segment to receive DNV’s ammonia and methanol-eady notations.Isle of Man Ship Registry (IOMSR) has been nominated for being a leading flag state, committed to driving sustainability in the maritime sector. IOMSR represents a third of tonnage under the Red Ensign and focuses its sustainability support by adopting four UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Odfjell SE has been nominated for setting high goals and ambitions on sustainability. The company has set a clear sustainable strategy and is now harvesting the results by successfully reducing its carbon intensity by an impressive 50% compared to their2008 baseline.Sustainable Shipping Initiative has been nominated for their continuing work to proactively move the whole shipping value chain to a sustainable future by 2040, with work on the circular economy, sustainable alternate fuels, green corridors, and Human Rights at Sea. SAFETY4SEA Training AwardAward nominated to any organization that provided a significant achievement or breakthrough or significant contribution in ny aspect of maritime trainingInternational Group of P&I Clubs has been nominated for launching an educational animation video on mooring operations, raising awareness with the overriding message ‘Stop, Think, Stay Alive’. The animation is split into 6 Acts, and focuses on the human factors and influencing circumstances on human performance during mooring.International Maritime Employers Council (IMEC) has been nominated for its Philippines Cadet Programme with the Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific (MAAP). Over 1,700 graduates of this pogram, launched in 2008, are already employed as Deck and Engine Officers in the maritime sector.Ocean Technologies Group has been nominated for enhancing its learning library with new additions to provide seafarers with an overall understanding of the term “sustainability” and the part they can play in improving their company’s performance, putting them at the heart of sustainability and decarbonization.OneLearn Global has been noinated for offering eLearning Diversity course to raise awareness and inspire greater understanding of the cultural differences generated among a globally diversified workforce. The course enables participants to apply the concepts of diversity and inclusion to support a diversified workplace.The Nautical Institute Academy has been nominated for launching the first ISM Lead Auditor Course during 2022, tailored specifically for the needs of the fishing sector. Delivered over five days, it examines every aspect of the ISM Code and its application to the fishin sector. SAFETY4SEA Technology AwardAward nominated to any organization that provided a significant technological achievement or breakthrough or significant contribution in any aspect of maritime safety activityClever Point Marine has been nominated for its assessment program which helps identify areas to improve productivity and well-being through self-awareness and self-regulation. The System monitors stress levels, fatigue, oncentration, and other factors that could potentially impact work and decision-making abilities.MariApps Marine Solutions has been nominated for providing digital solutions and applications to ship managers, owners, and charterers featuring a global team of over 900 experts, including software developers, business analysts, project managers, marine engineers, and naval officers.Mintra has been nominated for its ‘OCS system’, which is one of the best-known complete crew management solutions available to the maritime industry that sets the standard in safetyas well as compliance.  The OCS solution is unique in its integration with Mintra’s learning management system Trainingportal.ORBCOMM has been nominated for its new dry container tracking solution. The company has been offering industry-leading reefer container monitoring solutions, widely used in container shipping for years providing operational intelligence and visibility for shipping lines and their end customers in the reefer spce. In 2023, the company extended its solutions to dry containers as well.Survitec has been nominated for its ‘SMARR-TI (Safety Management and Rapid Response – Technology Interface)’ monitoring technology for smarter safety management. It integrates fire detection and fire suppression systems within one easy-to-use solution with the aim to give early warnings in case of a fire incident onboard. SAFETY4SEA Initiative Award
Award nominated to any organization or association that sparked, realized, or significantly contributed in any initiative fosteringsafer and sustainable shippingGreen Marine has been nominated for offering a comprehensive environmental certification program encouraging maritime enterprises to adopt measurable, concrete actions that go beyond regulatory obligations. The program’s cumulative effect in reducing maritime transportation’s environmental footprint has been substantial.Greywing Pte Ltd. has been nominated for its Crew Change Management tool, titled CRY4,which is a predictive intelligence aggregation and planning tool, that considers hundreds of data sources – from flight prices and visa restrictions to deviation costs and subchapters – to optimize crew changes for impact – financial and environmental.Hafnia has been nominated for implementing the ‘’Hafnia at Sea Maternity Overview’’ in 2022. This initiative supports female seafarers to repatriate in case of maternity, receive paid maternity leave and related compensation and return to work to continue their maritime career after childbith.The Nautical Institute has been nominated for opening membership to fishing professionals and supporting the ‘The FISH Platform (Fishing Industry Safety & Health)’, an organisation representing fishing vessel safety experts from around the world.VIKAND has been nominated for launching ‘OneHealth’ crew welfare initiative, designed to improve both physical and mental health and the onboard environment. OneHealth can improve the onoard environment with solutions like air purifiers, bio-lighting, wearable sleep monitoring, and exercise and nutrition guidance. SAFETY4SEA Personality & Leadership AwardsThere are no nominees shortlisted for this Award. After consideration and review of a list of “Editor’s Pick” nominees, the SAFETY4SEA Team will announce the winners during the awards presentation. These are special category awards for any individual person that provided industry leadership and contributed towards crew welfare excellence throughout his/her career.VIEW THE OFFIIAL WEBSITE OF THE 2023 SAFETY4SEA AWARDS HERETags: awardsbest practicessafety measuresSAFETY4SEAsustainability
