How sewage from a million Sydneysiders helps grow the wheat we eat

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Two 14-metre high concrete digesters have been installed at a wastewater treatment centre in Manly in a $94 million upgrade, doubling the capacity of the plant to transform sewage from one million Sydneysiders into fertiliser used to grow the state’s crops, including wheat, oats and canola.

For more than two decades, solids recovered from wastewater have been processed and transported to the Central Tablelands to nourish crop fields and pastures.

Now Sydney Water is appealing for farms on the outskirts of the city to consider using fertiliser from human waste, called biosolids, to grow the crops that end up as products in our pantries. But the concept doesn’t always sit easily.

“I think the public has very little idea about the process,” Ian Blair, project manager at the North Head Water Resource Recovery Facility, said. The facility treats water from an area that stretches between Bankstown, Seven Hills and Collaroy.

Australia produces about one and half million tonnes of wet bisolids each year and the proportion of the product used in agriculture has jumped from 55 per cent to 73 per cent since 2010.

The digesters contain anaerobic bacteria that consume sewage sludge, the solids left over once the liquid effluent is pumped out to sea. Once digested for at least 30 days, centrifuged and dried, sludge turns into biosolids, a more stable, useful product with a texture compared to plasticine.

The microorganisms in the digesters also generate biomethane, which is combusted to produce energy that heats the digester to 36 degrees and boosts bacterial productivity.

Six truckloads of the fertiliser head out west from North Head each week. The new digesters will boost the amount of biosolids produced per day from 40 to 70 tonnes.


Biosolids are rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, nutrients critical to plant growth that are usually added to soil with imported chemical fertilisers.

Manufacturing nitrogen is an energy-intensive process and phosphorous i mostly derived from rock phosphorous, a non-renewable resource mined in only five countries (70 per cent is from Morocco) and therefore vulnerable to supply chain disruptions. Scientists from UTS have written our reliance on non-renewable phosphorus is like “sleepwalking into a food crisis”.

Over the last two years there have been periods where the price of phosphorus tripled and the cost of nitrogen increased fourfold. That’s why supplementing chemical fertilisers with biosolids – which release their nutrients steadily and slowly – can be hugely beneficial for farmers.

“There’s still a taboo,” Professor Andy Ball, director of the ARC Training Centre for the Transformation of Australia’s Biosolids Resource at RMIT University, said. “Everybody puts chicken manure or cattle manure on the garden, but the very thought of putting on human manure is repulsive.

“There’s a social science aspect of this, to learning why we have some aversion to using that. In America, for example, you can by human biosolids in the equivalent of Bunnings.”

North Head Water Resource Recovery Facility is boosting production of biosolids to 70 tonnes per day, with an upgrade managed by Ian Blair (left) and Kelvin Chow (right).
North Head Water Resource Recovery Facility is boosting production of biosolids to 70 tonnes per day, with an upgrade managed by Ian Blair (left) and Kelvin Chow (right).CREDIT:BROOK MITCHELL

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Even so, Ball said Australia is a world leader in the use of biosolids in agriculture. His team is researching how to improve the quality of biosolids so they become a revenue stream for water treatment companies, not just a byproduct sold cheaply to farmers or given away.

Biochar, for example, can be made using pyrolysis, where biosolids are heated to 400–500 degrees, corching the waste into a charcoal-like powder that’s easy to distribute and free of odour.

“It doesn’t smell, it’s black, it’s a powder, and it really is a great source of organic carbon for soils. But it doesn’t have any stigma attached to its appearance or smell. You can use it in concrete, it can go into tyres,” Ball said. “The future is transforming biosolids in some way.”

The centre is also researching ways to address concerns about pollutants in biosolids. Because they’re derived from humans, everything that flushes down toilets and into drains – pharmaceuticals, detergent, microplastics and PFAS chemicals – can end up in biosolids too.

The use of biosolids on farms is strictly regulated and farmers must apply to the EPA to seek permission to use the product. A small proportion of farms use biosolids, which can boost crop height and yield.

“We’ve got a glut of biosolids, so we have to find more uses,” Ball said. “There’s more production than demand at the moment.”