Letter to the editor: Couple responds to letter-writer’s attacks

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et us correct a few things that was in a letter to the editor on Tuesday, August 8 (“Kusnierz achieved progress in Moreau” Scroll down to see the letter online.).

The Not Moreau “Movement” is not just our movement. The majority of the citizens in Moreau are against BioChar coming into our “quiet Town of Moreau.” Who wants up to 750 tons of sewage sludge brought into their community daily? Progress? Nah!

Our property has not benefited from the sewer. Not one person has shown interest in our property. Heck, we have not been told how much we are going to to pay toward the sewer debt come January. Does Mr. (Todd) Kusnierz know what the word budget means? We, the owners of this property would like to budget for the bill we will be receiving. The writer calls disgraceful abuse of the sewer project? Because we had questions! By the way, the vote won by three votes, three people voted twice. If that was not allowed, it would have been a tie which would be a NO vote. Rooted in the past? We dn’t see any big development in the sewer district, like promised. The debt will be paid by 87 property owners, none of which include the letter writer, the supervisor or the Town Board. Kusnierz called our home in Florida several times for advice on how to keep the town on the Environmental Facilities Corporation line, interest-free loan. Kusnierz removed several of the residential voters from the sewer district because he knew they would be NO votes. Does this seem fair? When the sewer vote occurred in 2014, every person that owned property in the sewer district could vote.
