Saratoga Biochar link to land sale under petition

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Alexander Portal

MOREAU — A petition has been filed, which will cause the voters of Moreau to decide whether a pending sale of land at the Moreau Industrial Park to Twin Bridges Waste & Recycling will proceed.The deal is between the town and Scott T. Earl for a proposed maintenance and service facility dedicated to the recycling company.“We don’t feel they’re a good fi for our community,” explained Gina LeClair, a resident of the town of Moreau and moderator of the “Not Moreau” Facebook page, which has also been a sounding board for the public against Saratoga Biochar Solutions’ move into the area.When Moreau Town Supervisor Todd Kusnierz announced the purchase agreement had been signed in June, The Post-Star also reported that Earl had also been working on a deal to sell the waste management company to Casella Waste Systems. The connection between Casella and Saratoga Biochar has given some residents cause for alarm.

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LeClair said peoplein the community both across the river and up the river are worried they are going to be impacted by the smell of industrial waste and the “hundreds of trucks a day” the two companies pose to bring through town and the residential neighborhoods that surround the park.Several petitions have been circulating throughout the community since the announcement, collecting signatures of people who want to stop the sale by forcing the town to hold a public election on the matter.LeClair said the group is not opposed to business growth within the industrial park, but takes issue with the type of heavy industry, particularly waste management services, that seems to be attracted to the area.
“There are (other types of) businesses. I think we just didn’t make enough effort to find them,” she said. “Why not actively go after companies that are looking for a place that they don’t need the transportation of heavy trucks into their park?”
Kusnierz has often referred to his vow to fill the industria park as a platform on which he ran during his election. LeClair, who said she was at one point an ardent supporter of Kusnierz, feels that the best interest of the community is being sacrificed in order to keep his word.
“What his goals are, I have no idea. But to think that doing something harmful meets your vow to the community is disgusting,” she said. “Filling it bad is worse than not filling it at all.”
The petition, which was filed on July 10, 2023 and received 1,003 signatures, is currently being reviewed by the Town Clerk’s office. Pending that review, a vote on the issue will be announced, either as a ballot measure in November, or as a special election held sooner.Kusnierz did not return a message seeking comment in time for publication.
Alex Portal is a staff writer who covers Moreau, South Glens Falls, and northern Saratoga County. He can be reached by calling or texting (838) 722-0945 or emailing

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