Air Burners launches world’s first mobile onsite biochar production …

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CharBoss, the world’s first mobile onsite biochar production system, has arrived, and the timing couldn’t be better. Every day, unwanted wood waste piles up worldwide. We collect 70 million tons annually but only recycle 48 per cent. If that weren’t a big enough problem, we’re also running out of landfill space. On top of that, disposal can be costly to businesses and our environment.

But there’s good news. Air Burners partnered with the USDA Forest Service to boost the environmentally-friendly technology while adding power and speed to the new self-contained CharBoss. The fully assembled above-ground air curtain burner system is an advanced pollution-control device scientifically proven to eliminate wood waste 40x faster than open burning and significantly reduces particulate matter, like black carbon smoke, to help mitigate climate change. The CharBoss accepts whole trees, logs, root balls, slash piles, invasive shrubs, and other unwanted biomass debris. It burns 1 ton per hour, leving behind 20 per cent biochar, a valuable carbon-rich residual to sell or return to the soil. The towable CharBoss is ideal for hard-to-reach remote areas, like forest thinning, land clearing, and disaster cleanup (recovery). Orchard growers and farmers turn to the CharBoss to maneuver in and out of tight spaces without damaging crops or equipment.

After a successful debut at the University of Idaho Experimental Forest in January 2023, and last month’s biochar production demonstration in Harrisonburg, Va., the world’s first mobile onsite biochar production system is ready, willing, and more than able to tackle even the most challenging, most demanding jobs with no grinding, hauling, or permanent facilities.

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