JERA, Petramina join forces to promote alternative fuels in Indonesia

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JERA and PT Pertamina have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on business opportunities and potential collaborations, focusing on enhancing the value of the fuel value chain and infrastructure investment in low-carbon fuels such as LNG, and hydrogen/ammonia.

According to JERA, the MoU sets out information sharing and discussions to enhance the value of the fuel value chain and to create business opportunities for infrastructure investment in LNG and hydrogen/ammonia, which are low-carbon fuels. As stated, through this collaboration, JERA and Pertamina aim contribute in Indonesia in achieving net zero emissions by 2060.

The collaboration will include LNG and hydrogen/ammonia transportation and LNG receiving terminal Operation & Maintenance (O&M), as well as capacity building through benchmarking, training and/or exchange to improve the operational efficiency of LNG handling. In addition, the parties will also consider the development of new businesses related o CCUS (Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage).

Our collaborative efforts extend to Low Carbon Fuel, through the development of Green Hydrogen/Ammonia projects, aimed at facilitating power producers in their decarbonization efforts through fuel substitution
… stated Salyadi Saputra, Director of Strategy, Portfolio & New Ventures of Pertamina

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Furthermore, he also mentioned that the development of CCUS is a promising collaboration, given Pertamina’s substantial portfolio of at least 8 CCS/CCUS projects in Indonesia.

We will provide our cutting edge solution to the energy issues in Indonesia and strengthening their value chains for greener fuels. This MOU allows us to leverage our experiences and capabilities to help Indonesia achieve net zero emission
… said Steven Winn, Senior Managing Executive Officer and Chief of Global Strategist of JERA

JERA and Pertamina will wok to solve the short- to medium-term issue of increasing energy demand while also steadily promoting the medium- to long-term issue of energy decarbonization through collaboration on LNG and hydrogen/ammonia value chains in Indonesia.