Wednesday Good News Round Up – A Bit of News To Start Your Day

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Ah, the life of a news junkie. Trying to stay positive, optimistic, hopeful and compassionate while also being mindful of the tightrope we walk these days. I believe in rock solid, equal, for the people democracy! But, and there is always a but, some of the news out there sure makes it tough to keep our heads held high above the nonsense, negativity and hatefulness.

“Negative people need drama like oxygen. Stay positive, it will take their breath away.” – Unknown


“There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.” — W. Clement Stone

So let’s stay positive! I hope todays little burst of news stories will brighten your mood, lift your spirits and let you get on with your day. Oh, a little coffee or your beverage of choice won’t hurt either.

One state just became a national leader on child care. Here’s how they did it.
Action in Congress to suppot child care has been stalled for years. But in Vermont, lawmakers have just approved an ambitious plan that would pour tens of millions of new dollars into the state’s starved child care system.

The bill authorizing $125 million in annual investment comes after nearly a decade of organizing. As in many states, thousands of Vermont kids lack access to any child care program, and among families that have been able to land competitive slots, average costs exceed $26,000 a year, more than 30 percent of many families’ household income.

The newly approved child care bill would expand state subsidies for families earning up to 575 percent of the federal poverty level (or $172,000 for a family of four) and families earning up to 175 percent of the poverty line (or $52,000 for a family of four) would now pay nothing out of pocket.

The new payments will mean an infusion of funds for child care, allowing providers to be reimbursed at a 35 percent higher rate than they currently are. The legisation also tasks lawmakers with studying how to create an affordable full-day pre-K system.

Other states need to step up now that a blueprint is available.

Progressives Call for Philanthropic Investments to Defeat the Rise of US Fascism
“The good news,” the authors of a new People’s Action white paper assert, “is that the antidotes to authoritarianism are in every community and available to be activated right now.”

Amid what many experts fear is a Republican-led slow-march toward fascism in the United States, a report published Tuesday by a progressive advocacy group answers the question: “How can we build a multiracial and pluralistic democracy with an inclusive economy to defeat the rise of authoritarianism?”

The white paper—entitled The Antidote to Authoritarianism: How an Organizing Revival Can Build a Multiracial Pluralistic Democracy and an Inclusive Economy—was published by People’s Action with support from the Democracy Fund and the endorsement of more than a dozen progressve groups.

“This simple truth—that ordinary people, organized effectively, have the power to drive social change upwards to create the conditions for justice, equity, and freedom—has been the power behind every great expansion of our democracy, from abolition and women’s suffrage to civil rights and marriage equality,” the paper notes.

I believe, although we know nothing is easy, we will defeat this sickness running through out country!

Neil Gaiman delivers powerful message at alt-graduation for DeSantis-threatened New College of Florida
At New College of Florida, students independently organized an alternative graduation ceremony, called “Commencement On Our Terms,” to take a stand against a threat to their academic freedom by Governor Ron DeSantis. In this remarkable move, they invited Neil Gaiman, acclaimed author and Professor of the Arts at Bard, to serve as their commencement speaker.

I am a real fan of the Netflix adaptation of The Sandman by Mr. Gaiman. The best line fromhis short speech, as pointed out in the article, “You must fight for what you believe to be right while never losing your sense of humor or your sense of proportion.” Amen to that.

Trump’s summer of legal troubles heats up
On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal reported that the special counsel on the case, Jack Smith, was wrapping up his investigation into Trump’s handling of classified documents after leaving the White House and that many of Trump’s “close associates” are preparing for him to be indicted.

“Nearly every employee at Trump’s Florida home, from top political aides to maids and maintenance staff,” has now testified before the Washington grand jury, sources told the Journal.

Among those who have testified is Trump’s lawyer Evan Corcoran. In March, a federal appeals court ruled that Corcoran must testify and produce notes he took during meetings with the former president about the handling of the classified documents. The notes showed that Trump was seeking to contest a fedral subpoena ordering the return of the documents, a revelation that contradicts his assertion that he was “cooperating fully” with the FBI in the matter.

I abhor giving the former guy airspace but fingers crossed.

Below is your laugh for the morning, just in haha…

Fearing indictment is imminent in classified docs probe, Trump team requests meeting with DOJ
Former President Donald Trump’s legal team has formally requested a meeting with Attorney General Merrick Garland, amid fears from his attorneys that the coming weeks could bring a possible indictment of Trump regarding his alleged efforts to retain materials after leaving office and to obstruct the government’s attempts to retrieve them.

The letter, though thin on details, presents arguments that Trump should not be charged in the investigation related to his alleged mishandling of classified documents, sources familiar with the matter tell ABC News.

What is that song? Poor Poor Pitiful me…too bad so sad. One thing remainsconstant, he is an utter jerk.

‘Our Joye Is Ours’: Amid Mounting Attacks, Youth Hold Trans Prom Steps From US Capitol

“Today we said enough is enough of the anti-trans rhetoric and laws,” said event co-organizer and ACLU attorney Chase Strangio.

Amid relentlessly rising attacks on the rights and even the very existence of transgender people in the United States, a group of trans students and their supporters on Monday held a prom on the National Mall within sight of the U.S. Capitol.

Around 150 youth from 16 states—along with parents, friends, and other allies—attended the first-ever Trans Prom, according to Vice.

As Time reports, the event was organized by activists including students Libby Gonzales, age 13; Daniel Trujillo, 15; Grayson McFerrin, 12 ; and Hobbes Chukumba, 16.

“The Trans Prom is meant to emphasize the pride and joy and happiness that is within the trans community that cannot be broken,” Chukumba, who’s from New Jersey, told Time. “We’re trying to show that trans eople can and will continue to be brilliant and great. And really, it’s meant to be a space that lets trans kids be kids.”

Let’s let the kids be kids and let the parents parent and let people be who they are. Yeah, you all know that. Wish the “those who think they are superior” would catch on.

The Ancient ‘Wonder Material’ Sucking CO2 Out of the Atmosphere
The waste coffee husks that come out of Synergie Nord Sud (SNS), Cameroon’s largest coffee-processing plant, are no longer left to gradually decompose in a landfill.

Instead, these tons of biomass are now transported to a nearby facility where they are turned into a wonder material that could be key to mitigating climate change. It’s called biochar, and its multitude of climate benefits — improving soil fertility, producing green energy, reducing waste, and, most significantly, sequestering carbon from the atmosphere — have many scientists describing it as the most advanced, mature method of CO2 removal we have today.

“It has allthese co-benefits,” says Axel Reinaud, founder and CEO of NetZero, which runs the facility. “They are really complementary and it’s interdependent… . When it comes to carbon removal, it will be the first solution to reach scale.”

The production of biochar is an ancient farming practice dating back thousands of years to the fertile Terra Preta soils in Brazil. A kind of black powder, it is made by heating up organic matter such as wood chips, manure, leaves, or indeed coffee husks, in the absence of oxygen (to prevent its combustion, which would emit CO2) in a process known as pyrolysis. The creation of biochar removes CO2 from the atmosphere, and in doing so, turns the natural decay of organic matter into a carbon-negative process.

Always happy to hear of promising or potential good news that can help our climate.

Students Craft Stellar Resumes for Long-term Shelter Dogs—and 6 of the Pups Were Already Adopted
When schools partner with local nonprofits like this Albuquerque animal shlter, good news will not be far away.

Teachers at Polk Middle School in the Albuquerque’s South Valley reached out to the Bernalillo County Animal Care Center with an idea for how to bring attention to long-term dogs at the shelter so they can get adopted into loving families.

The wonderful collaboration began in the Fall semester when the shelter sent photographs and notes about each of the hard-to-place pets to art students in Ms. McCrady’s class and to writing students in Ms. Arriaga’s class.

So freaking sweet.

I know there is lots of news out there but I thought during my round ups it may be nice to just bring a few plain old good news stories. Since this is the best comment section on the internet (!) I am sure you will all share more good news!

First, one more item to share.

Gogol Bordello, Jello Biafra, and others collaborate on Ukraine charity single ‘United Strike Back’

Amazing, right…

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday. You all take it from here.

