Penny Stocks On Radar: SVSN, NSAV, GOGY, IDGC

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There is a vibrant market for penny stocks and millions of investors are keen to discover new ones every day. That being said, the stocks can be volatile and investors need to have a degree of risk tolerance. Here is a closer look at 4 penny stocks that you could look into today.

Eco Allies Inc (OTC:SVSN) – The company is a Nevada benefit-for-profit corporation, which is looking into opportunities in the preservation and ecological restoration industries. In June 2021, the company had gone into a joint venture with Biochar Now LLC and Climate Cure Capital Corporation to grow Paulownia ElongataSuperGreenTrees (SGTs). The larger aim was to set up a biochar production facility in the state of Florida.

Eco Allies is the majority partner in the joint venture with a stake of 75%. Recently it emerged that Eco Allies and Climate Cure had joined hands to plant in excess of 75000 SGTs with the agronomist Luis Gonzalez and Melissa Gonzalez, the ranch owner. The ranch in question spans across a area of 20000 acres. It is known as the Rancho San Miguel de la Soledad and is situated in Chihuahua, Mexico. The Chief Executive Officer of Biochar Now LLC also holds a position on the board of directors of Eco Allies.

Net Savings Link Inc Inc (OTC:NSAV) – The crypto industry is beset with hacking issues and last Friday Net Savings Link Inc presented a new product, TruSAD, to tackle the problem. The cryptocurrency, digital asset, and blockchain technology company announced that TruSAF was a path-breaking crypto hacking solution.

The company noted that it was the first and only product of its nature and was going to be a permanent solution to the hacking problem in the crypto space. The product seeks to achieve that through the use of a revolutionary new data security technology that would keep digital assets off grid. However, it would allow the owner to access those same assets at any time. In 2022 alone, the crypto industry lost a staggering $4 billion owing to hacking.

The prodct would solve a large-scale problem and could also be deployed in other industries in which digital assets may have a role to play. For instance, it could be used to protect sensitive medical information and legal documents from hacking attempts.

Golden Grail Technology Corp Inc (OTC:GOGY) – The company is a far-growing player in the beverage space and is looking to build and innovate so as to grow a strong beverage portfolio. This past Friday Golden Grail Technology Corp announced that it had gone into a partnership with Folsom Distributing Co for the distribution of Cause Water in the Midwest market.

Folsom is a family-owned business and had been in business since 1958. It started off by selling fruit juices and juice drinks to small local businesses and to residents in the St Louis area. Now the company serves the St Louis and Missouri markets and makes deliveries to convenience store chains as well as grocery store chains. The Chief Executive Officer of Golden Grail Steve Hoffma noted that the company was focused on expanding the market share of Cause Water in the Midwest.

IDGlobal Corp Inc (OTC:IDGC) – On July 28, the company came into the news cycle after it announced that it had implemented artificial intelligence into its technology bundle. IDGlobal Corp noted that such a move would allow its users to benefit from the highly efficient algorithms for such functions as lead generation, energy and natural gas analysis, CRM tools-related to work, conversion metrics, document process, and more.

However, IDGlobal Corp also noted that it was going to continue to focus on partnerships, acquisitions, and onboarding of new clients in the real estate, healthcare, finance, and energy industries. The company had been established as an emerging growth company thanks to the JOBS Act of 2012 and is considerably diversified.