ACME Group signs land agreement for green hydrogen, green ammonia project in Odisha

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New Delhi: Diversified renewable energy company ACME Group on Friday said it has signed a land agreement with Tata Steel Special Economic Zone (TSSEZL) for 343 acres for its green hydrogen and green ammonia project at the Gopalpur Industrial Park in Odisha. The Group plans to set up a 1.3 MTPA green ammonia production facility. This green ammonia will be produced from green hydrogen, and the production facilities will be powered by renewable power, according to the official press release. It said that the green ammonia produced at this facility will be exported to markets in West and East from the existing Gopalpur port facilities. ACME Group is planning to partner with Japan’s IHI Corporation for this project.


“This project will help us to offer Make In India green hydrogen and gren ammonia to domestic and international markets at cmpetitive prices… Japan’s IHI signed a preliminary agreement during the Invest Odisha Summit in Tokyo to invest in green energy projects in Odisha,” said Manoj K Upadhyay, founder and chairman, ACME Group.The release added that it will be the first ever green hydrogen project in Odisha. Hemant Sharma, IAS, Principal Secretary, Industries Department and Chairman, IDCO & IPICOL, Government of Odisha, said, “We envision Odisha as the hub of Green Hydrogen and Green Ammonia and a leader in the Green Fuel Economy. To catalyze this vision, we’re offering best-in-class incentives.” TSSEZL, a 100 per cent subsidiary of Tata Steel, is developing its flagship industrial park, GIP, in Odisha’s Ganjam district. The company aims to develop the GIP as an emerging manufacturing hub for both domestic and export-oriented industries.


Published On Aug 25, 2023 at 05:09 PM IST



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green hydrogen
green ammonia
acme group
manoj k upadhyay

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