Biochar Makes the Grade: Unlocking The Potential of Engineered Carbon Removals

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BeZero Carbon has given its first Biochar project the rare “A” rating, only 21 projects of the 350+ projects rated on their platform have an A or an AA rating. This rating is based on a comprehensive analysis of publicly available data and assesses the project against various risk factors, including additionality, carbon accounting, and non-permanence risks.

This pivotal move signifies the maturation of the Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) sector and particularly biochar which accounts for over 90% of all CDR deliveries.

The engineered carbon removal sector has been hindered by a lack of transparency and public information and that is set to change.

  • Puro.Earth expects the supply of CDR in the next 18 months to grow by an “order of magnitude”.
  • The U.S. Department of Energy has plans to purchase up to $35M of CDR credits from a portfolio of CDR pathways consistent with the objectives of the Carbon Negative Shot.