Effects of biochar layer position on treatment performance and microbial community in subsurface flow constructed wetlands for removal of cadmium and lead

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Levels of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) correspond to common composition in acid mine wastewater of Hunan Province of China. The removal path of Cd and Pb and the structure of microbial community were investigated by developing constructed wetlands (CWs) with different layer positions of biochar. The biochar as a layer at the bottom of CW (BCW) system exhibited maximum Cd and Pb removal efficiencies of 96.6-98.6% and 97.2-98.9%, respectively. Compared with original soil, BCW increased the relative proportions of Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Acidobacteriota, Verrucomicrobiota, Desulfobacterota, Armatimonadota, Bacteroidota, Patescibacteria, Basidiomycota (phylum level) and Burkholderia-Caballeronia-Paraburkholderia, Citrifermentans, Chthonomonadales, Cellulomonas, Geothrix, Terracidiphilus, Gallionellaceae, Microbacterium, Vanrija, Apiotrichum, Saitozyma, Fusarium (genus level). The concentrations of Cd and Pb were positively correlated with the abundance of Verrucomicrobiota, Basidiomycota (phylum level), and Methylacidiphilaceae, Meyerozyma, Vanrija (genus level). This study demonstrates that BCW system can improve removal performance toward Cd and Pb, as well as alter microbial community.