Influences of phosphorus-modified biochar on bacterial community and diversity in rhizosphere soil

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Root-associated bacteria play a vital role in the soil ecosystem and plant productivity. Previous studies have reported the decline of bacterial community and rhizosphere soil quality in the cultivation of some medicinal plants (i.e., Pseudostellaria heterophylla). Phosphorus (P)-modified biochar has the potential to improve soil health and quality. However, its influence on the bacterial community and diversity in the rhizosphere of medicinal plants is not well understood. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of P-modified biochar on the bacterial community and diversity in the rhizosphere of P. heterophylla. Soil samples were collected from the rhizosphere of 4-month P. heterophylla under control (no biochar), 3% unmodified and 3% P-modified biochar treatments, respectively. Compared with control and unmodified biochar treatment, P-modified biochar significantly increased the relative abundance of plant-beneficial bacteria (P < 0.05), particularly Firmicutes, Nitrospirae and Acidobacteria. The relative abundance of Bacillus, belonging to Firmicutes, was dramatically raised from 0.032% in control group to 1.723% in P-modified biochar-treated group (P < 0.05). These results indicate the potential enhancement of soil quality for the growth of medicinal plants. The application of biochar significantly increased bacterial richness and bacterial diversity (P < 0.05). P modification of biochar did not have significant effects on soil bacterial richness (P > 0.05), while it reduced Shannon and increased Simpson diversity index of soil bacterial communities significantly (P < 0.05). It indicates a decrease in bacterial diversity. This research provides a new perspective for understanding the role of P-modified biochar in the rhizosphere ecosystem.