+ 3 Matthias Auer


February 23, 2023

Biochar improves diary pasture yields by alleviating P and K constraints with no influence on soil respiration or N2O emissions

Abstract Dairy pastures can be a major source of soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions due to the combination of intensive nitrogen (N) fertiliser use and high soil water content, from […]


January 16, 2023

Biochar’s Role in Farming and Soil Health

For most of the last century, modern farming has included heavy dependence on mechanical tilling, single crops, chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides.  As a result, much of United States farmland […]


January 16, 2023

How H2-ready engines reduce emissions and prepare power plant operators for the future.

Power plants using gas-fired engines are expected to play a big role in securing power on days with little sun or wind. But eventually natural gas, a bridge fuel, will […]

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