+ 3 Binoy Sarkar


May 7, 2023

A perspective on biochar for repairing damages in the soil–plant system caused by climate change-driven extreme weather events

Abstract There has been more than 75% rise in the number of extreme weather events such as drought and flood during 2000–2019 compared to 1980–1999 due to the adverse effects […]


May 3, 2023

Insights into simultaneous adsorption and oxidation of antimonite [Sb(III)] by crawfish shell-derived biochar: spectroscopic investigation and theoretical calculations

Abstract Removal of antimonite [Sb(III)] from the aquatic environment and reducing its biotoxicity is urgently needed to safeguard environmental and human health. Herein, crawfish shell-derived biochars (CSB), pyrolyzed at 350, […]


March 7, 2023

Biochar and its importance on nutrient dynamics in soil and plant

Abstract Biochar, an environmentally friendly soil conditioner, is produced using several thermochemical processes. It has unique characteristics like high surface area, porosity, and surface charges. This paper reviews the fertilizer […]

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