+ 3 Claire L. Phillips


May 14, 2023

Towards predicting biochar impacts on plant-available soil nitrogen content

Abstract Biochars can improve soil health but have been widely shown to reduce plant-available nitrogen (N) owing to their high carbon (C) content, which stimulates microbial N-immobilization. However, because biochars […]


April 9, 2023

Biochar addition to vineyard soils: effects on soil functions, grape yield and wine quality

Abstract In response to increasing concerns over climate change, soil health and wine quality, grape growers are seeking new practices (e.g., biochar application) to minimize their environmental footprint while increasing […]


March 5, 2023

Preliminary evaluation of a decision support tool for biochar amendment

Abstract Meta-analyses have shown that only about half of biochar addition studies report improved plant growth. To improve yield response, here we describe a decision support tool (DST) for selecting […]

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