+ 3 Lei Wang


April 30, 2023

Long-term biochar addition significantly decreases rice rhizosphere available phosphorus and its release risk to the environment

Abstract Phosphorus (P) availability, diffusion, and resupply processes can be altered by biochar addition in flooded rice rhizosphere, which controls the risk of P release to the environment. However, there […]


April 25, 2023

Carbon-negative cement-bonded biochar particleboards

Abstract Biochar from bio-waste pyrolysis presents excellent CO2 sequestration capacity. This study innovated the design of cement-bonded particleboards utilizing a substantial amount of 50–70 wt.% pre-soaked biochar to render the products […]


April 24, 2023

Biochar as construction materials for achieving carbon neutrality

Abstract Biochar is a waste-derived material that can sequester carbon at a large scale. The development of low-carbon and sustainable biochar-enhanced construction materials has attracted extensive interest. Biochar, having a […]

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