+ 5 Yanfang Feng


May 16, 2023

A bibliographic study reviewing the last decade of hydrochar in environmental application: history, status quo, and trending research paths

Abstract Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) technology has increasingly been considered for biomass conversion applications because of its economic and environmental advantages. As an HTC conversion product, hydrochar has been widely used […]


May 4, 2023

Unraveling natural aging-induced properties change of sludge-derived hydrochar and enhanced cadmium sorption site heterogeneity

Abstract Hydrochar has potential applications in soil improvement and heavy metal remediation. Hydrochar would undergo the process of aging when introduced into the soil, altering its properties. However, recent studies have […]


May 1, 2023

Formable porous biochar loaded with La-Fe(hydr)oxides/montmorillonite for efficient removal of phosphorus in wastewater: process and mechanisms

Abstract The development of biochar-based granule-like adsorbents suitable for scaled-up application has been attracting increasing attention in the field of water treatment. Herein, a new formable porous granulated biochar loaded […]


March 15, 2023

Raw material of water-washed hydrochar was critical for the mitigation of GHGI in infertile paddy soil: a column experiment

Abstract Water washing is a meaningful method to improve the surface’ characteristic of hydrochar produced using hydrothermal carbonization and minimize the negative effect on crop growth. However, the greenhouse effect […]


March 15, 2023

Impact of biochar amendment on soil aggregation varied with incubation duration and biochar pyrolysis temperature

Abstract Soil aggregation is one of the crucial processes that facilitate carbon sequestration and maintain soil fertility. So far, the effect of biochar amendment on soil aggregation remains inconclusive. Here, […]

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