+ 3 Green Chemistry


April 12, 2024

Efficient removal of sulfonamides in complex aqueous environments by an N, P-co-doped graphitic biochar: the crucial role of P2O5

Sulfonamides (SAs) have long been utilized as synthetic antibiotics against bacterial and protozoan infections. Despite their efficacy, SAs can cause significant environmental toxicity, promoting the development of various elimination techniques. […]


July 6, 2023

Plasma-driven catalysis: green ammonia synthesis with intermittent electricity

Abstract Ammonia is one of the most produced chemicals, mainly synthesized from fossil fuels for fertilizer applications. Furthermore, ammonia may be one of the energy carriers of the future, when […]


July 5, 2023

Energy crisis in Europe enhances the sustainability of green chemicals

Abstract Ammonia and methanol are essential to modern societies, but their production has been heavily reliant on natural gas, which contributes to supply disruptions and significant CO2 emissions. While low-carbon or […]

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