+ 5 Biodiesel


April 12, 2024

A cleaner approach towards magnetically assisted-electrolysis of biodiesel production using novel MnFe2O4@sawdust derived biochar nanocatalyst and its performance on a CI engine

The present research focused on the synthesis of nanocatalyst using manganese ferrite impregnated on sawdustderived biochar (MnFe2O4@biochar) through single-stage hydrothermal process and was subsequently employed as a recoverable and highly reactive catalyst in the conversion of edible waste oil (EWO) into biodiesel. Diverse characterization techniques were employed to assess the structural attributes of both MnFe2O4 […]


April 9, 2024

Biochar-based bi-functional catalyst derived from rubber seed shell and eggshell for biodiesel production from waste cooking oil

The application of biomass-based sources for energy generation has attracted much interest in recent times due to their environmental benefits. In this study, the potential use of rubber seed shells and eggshells in the synthesis of bi-functional catalysts for biodiesel production has been investigated. The catalyst was produced in a sequence of steps that included […]


April 2, 2024

Biochar-based bi-functional catalyst derived from rubber seed shell and eggshell for biodiesel production from waste cooking oil

The application of biomass-based sources for energy generation has attracted much interest in recent times due to their environmental benefits. In this study, the potential use of rubber seed shells and eggshells in the synthesis of bi-functional catalysts for biodiesel production has been investigated. The catalyst was produced in a sequence of steps that included […]


March 24, 2024

Utilization of zinc doped biochar catalyst for biodiesel production from waste cooking oil: process optimization and characterization

Biodiesel, an eco-friendly and sustainable alternative to diesel, has gained increasing interest over the past few years. The reuse of waste cooking oil as a feedstock for biodiesel production is affordable and environmentally safe. This study aimed to understand the understudied benefits of using zinc-doped biochar as a catalyst for biodiesel production. The zinc-doped biochar […]


March 15, 2024

Sustainable biodiesel production from waste cooking oil using banana peel biochar-Fe2O3/Fe2K6O5 magnetic catalyst

Addressing environmental challenges and energy resource scarcity, this study focuses on biodiesel production through the transesterification of waste cooking oil with methanol. To facilitate the reaction, a novel heterogeneous catalyst, derived from waste banana peels and composed of biochar-Fe2O3/Fe2K6O5, was employed. The magnetic acid-base catalyst was prepared by carbonating banana peel residue with Fe(III) and […]

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