+ 2 Microalgae


March 24, 2024

Effects of biochar on the manganese enrichment and oxidation by a microalga Scenedesmus quadricauda in the aquatic environment

Microalgae play a significant impact in the biogeochemical cycle of Mn(II) in the aquatic ecosystem. Meanwhile, the inflow of biochar into the water bodies is bound to impact the aquatic […]


March 24, 2024

A multifunctional cellulose- and starch-based composite hydrogel with iron-modified biochar particles for enhancing microalgae growth

A multifunctional polysaccharide-based hydrogel was studied as an additive for enhancing microalgae growth. The hydrogel was fabricated by physically and chemically crosslinking renewable ingredients of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), arrowroot starch, […]

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