+ 5 crop yield


May 22, 2023

Fertilization altered co-occurrence patterns and microbial assembly …

AbstractAmmonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria (AOA and AOB, respectively) are important intermediate links in the nitrogen cycle. Apart from the AOA and AOB communities in soil, we further investigated co-occurrence patterns […]


May 22, 2023

We’ve reached a fork in the fertilizer road: Which path keeps food cheap and the world cool? We’ve reached a fork in the fertilizer road: Which path keeps food …

In the modern world, food means fertilizer. Everything from a bowl of breakfast cereal to a curry relies on abundant use of synthetic fertilizer to raise crops or livestock. (The […]


May 22, 2023

US: Fund grantded to develop movable greenhouse structure

The LOR Foundation has selected 61 projects for its Field Work initiative, investing $538,802 into water-related agriculture projects led by farmers and ranchers. Earlier this year, the foundation launched Field […]


May 22, 2023

The Ancient ‘Wonder Material’ Sucking CO2 Out of the Atmosphere

Though public awareness is low, some scientists believe “biochar” is quietly becoming the world’s first major carbon removal success story. The waste coffee husks that come out of Synergie Nord […]


March 15, 2023

Raw material of water-washed hydrochar was critical for the mitigation of GHGI in infertile paddy soil: a column experiment

Abstract Water washing is a meaningful method to improve the surface’ characteristic of hydrochar produced using hydrothermal carbonization and minimize the negative effect on crop growth. However, the greenhouse effect […]

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