+ 8 Nitrogen


May 22, 2023

Fertilization altered co-occurrence patterns and microbial assembly …

AbstractAmmonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria (AOA and AOB, respectively) are important intermediate links in the nitrogen cycle. Apart from the AOA and AOB communities in soil, we further investigated co-occurrence patterns and microbial assembly processes subjected to inorganic and organic fertilizer treatments for over 35 years. The amoA copy numbers and AOA and AOB communities were found […]


May 22, 2023

We’ve reached a fork in the fertilizer road: Which path keeps food cheap and the world cool? We’ve reached a fork in the fertilizer road: Which path keeps food …

In the modern world, food means fertilizer. Everything from a bowl of breakfast cereal to a curry relies on abundant use of synthetic fertilizer to raise crops or livestock. (The one notable exception, seafood, has its own carbon and sustainability problems). Over the last century, fertilizer use has enabled an unprecedented increase in human population […]


May 22, 2023

Foundations laid for Ammogen’s ammonia-to-hydrogen project

The foundations have been laid at a first-of-a-kind green ammonia-to-hydrogen demonstrator site at Tyseley Energy Park (TEP) in Birmingham. The project has been developed by the Ammogen Consortium, a multi-disciplinary and multi-national team dedicated to driving forward hydrogen fuel supply chains in the UK and worldwide. On May 17, consortium partners gathered at Tyseley Energy […]


May 22, 2023

Decarbonizing Japan’s Energy Landscape Is A Two Step Process

The Fukushima nuclear disaster of 2011 was catastrophic – an earthquake followed by a tsunami caused explosions, radiation leaks, and widespread environmental devastation. The initial tremors were massive – around 9.0 on the Richter scale – followed by a wall of water over 40 meters high. The tsunami inundated the coastline, reaching up to ten […]


May 22, 2023

Pertamina Garap Proyek Green Ammonia di Tiga Wilayah Kerja Panas Bumi untuk Diekspor ke Jepang

JAKARTA – Pertamina melalui Subholding New and Renewable Energy PT Pertamina Power Indonesia bakal serius menggarap bisnis amonia yang ditandai dengan pengembangan wilayah kerja panas bumi. Saat ini tahap feasibility study (FS) pengembangan tiga WKP sekaligus sedang dilakukan. Fadli Rahman, Direktur Perencanaan Strategis dan Pengembangan Bisnis PT Pertamina Power Indonesia, menyatakan salah satu anak usaha […]


May 20, 2023

Pupuk Kaltim Mulai Jajaki Pengembangan Green Ammonia, Ini Rencananya

Jakarta – PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT) mulai menjajaki pengembangan green ammonia. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengeksplor penggunaan energi yang terbarukan (EBT). Green ammonia adalah amonia yang dihasilkan dari bahan baku non-hidrokarbon dan juga menggunakan sumber energi dari non-hidrokarbon (energi hijau). Salah satu proses produksi green ammonia adalah mereaksikan hidrogen yang dihasilkan oleh elektrolisa air […]


May 20, 2023

Xcel, Minnesota vie for billions in federal funds to create ‘clean …

The proposal would jump-start several hydrogen projects in North Dakota and Minnesota, including Xcel using renewable power to make hydrogen for a potential fertilizer plant in Morris. The allure of “clean” hydrogen as a climate change remedy is so potent that Congress ponied up $8 billion for it. Xcel Energy and the state of Minnesota […]

February 14, 2023

Nitrogen + Syngas Conference

conference about Nitrogen https://events.crugroup.com/nitrogenandsyngas/full-agenda

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