+ 3 plant growth


May 22, 2023

Fertilization altered co-occurrence patterns and microbial assembly …

AbstractAmmonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria (AOA and AOB, respectively) are important intermediate links in the nitrogen cycle. Apart from the AOA and AOB communities in soil, we further investigated co-occurrence patterns […]


March 15, 2023

An investigation of the effects of hydrochar application rate on soil amelioration and plant growth in three diverse soils

Abstract The hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) of biogas digestate alters the raw materials inherent characteristics to produce a carbon (C)-rich hydrochar (HC), with an improved suitability for soil amelioration. Numerous studies […]


March 13, 2023

Biochar from sawmill residues: characterization and evaluation for its potential use in the horticultural growing media

Abstract Peat remains the primary constituent of horticultural growing media in professional use. However, use of peat in horticultural growing media results in greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss due to […]

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