+ 7 soil properties


March 24, 2024

Biochar improves the nutrient cycle in sandy-textured soils and increases crop yield: a systematic review

BackgroundBiochar is a relatively new development in sustainable agricultural management that can be applied to ameliorate degraded and less fertile soils, especially sandy-textured ones, to improve their productivity with respect […]


May 22, 2023

Fertilization altered co-occurrence patterns and microbial assembly …

AbstractAmmonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria (AOA and AOB, respectively) are important intermediate links in the nitrogen cycle. Apart from the AOA and AOB communities in soil, we further investigated co-occurrence patterns […]


May 14, 2023

Biochar applications influence soil physical and chemical properties, microbial diversity, and crop productivity: a meta-analysis

Abstract Biochar is a widely known soil amendment. Here we synthesize the available information on influence of biochar application on different soil properties and crop productivity using meta-analysis. Global data […]


May 4, 2023

A critical review of biochar-based nitrogen fertilizers and their effects on crop production and the environment

Abstract Globally, nitrogen (N) fertilizer demand is expected to reach 112 million tonnes to support food production for about 8 billion people. However, more than half of the N fertilizer is […]


April 9, 2023

Biochar addition to vineyard soils: effects on soil functions, grape yield and wine quality

Abstract In response to increasing concerns over climate change, soil health and wine quality, grape growers are seeking new practices (e.g., biochar application) to minimize their environmental footprint while increasing […]


March 9, 2023

Effect of biochar type on infiltration, water retention and desiccation crack potential of a silty sand

Abstract Biochar is a carbon-rich material obtained after thermochemical conversion of biomass under no oxygen environment. The effect of biochar amendment on soil properties, such as water retention, infiltration and […]


February 26, 2023

Development of the straw biochar returning concept in China

Abstract Biochar produced from straw has been shown to improve soil physicochemical properties. This review introduces the fundamental concepts, the broad applications, and underlying theory of straw biochar returning. Current […]

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