+ 8 soil remediation


April 12, 2024

Highly graphitized biochar as nonmetallic catalyst to activate peroxymonosulfate for persistent quinclorac removal in soil through both free and non-free radical pathways

To explore highly effective and nonmetallic advanced oxidation process system to alleviate the persistent herbicides contamination in agricultural soils is of great importance. In this study, a significantly graphitized biochar […]


July 3, 2023

Biochar production and its applications


May 21, 2023

Tee Cee’s Tip for Monday, May 22

Dear Tee Cee, What exactly is “biochar”? I see it for sale and talked about as a good thing. How is it made, and what do people do with it? […]


May 1, 2023

Stability and interaction of biochar and iron  mineral nanoparticles: effect of pH, ionic strength, and dissolved organic matter

Abstract Biochar nanoparticles (BCNPs) and iron mineral nanoparticles (IMNPs), such as ferrihydrite nanoparticles (FHNPs), magnetite nanoparticles (MTNPs), and goethite nanoparticles (GTNPs), are often combined and used in soil remediation. However, […]


April 25, 2023

Insights on mechanisms of aluminum phytotoxicity mitigation by canola straw biochars from different regions

Abstract To better understand the amendment effects and mechanisms of aluminum (Al(III)) phytotoxicity mitigation by different regional crop straw biochars, wheat seedling root elongation trials were conducted. The contributions of […]


April 16, 2023

Biochar-supported nano-scale zerovalent iron activated persulfate for remediation of aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated soil: an in-situ pilot-scale study

Abstract Biochar-supported nano-scale zerovalent iron (nZVI/BC) for persulfate (PS) activation has been studied extensively for the degradation of pollutants on the lab scale, but it was rarely applied in practical […]


March 15, 2023

The long-term effectiveness of ferromanganese biochar in soil Cd stabilization and reduction of Cd bioaccumulation in rice

Abstract The application of Fe–Mn-modified biochar for the remediation of Cd-contaminated soil over long time periods has been little studied. In this paper, we describe the performance of coconut-shell-derived biochar […]


March 12, 2023

MgO-laden biochar enhances the immobilization of Cd/Pb in aqueous solution and contaminated soil

Abstract Great progress has been made in recent years to alleviate the heavy metal pollution, but the development of low-cost and eco-friendly adsorbents is still challenging. In this work, MgO-loaded […]

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